GIRLS BEWARE -- INDONESIAN DEVILS ARE IN KELANA JAYA, KEPONG, DAMANSARA, BANGSAR, PUCHONG, CHERAS, SERDANG, SUBANG JAYA, SHAHALAM, OUG, SEAPARK, ..... Indonesian gangs rapes any females - BEWARE !!! These creatures that look like human called Indonesians are now raping 8 years old girl....!!! Please set up an alarm system in your house...!!! The money is not worth saving....!!! It will be too late for all you know. These Indonesians would rape any females ranging from 1 year old to as old as 90 years old. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. KUALA LUMPUR : Police have mounted an inter-state manhunt for a notorious gang which robbed a couple before raping their eight-year-old daughter intheir Kepong home on Monday. They believe the same gang is also behind Tuesday's incident where a 31-year-old housewife was gang raped by five men in front of her husband at a house in Kelana Jaya after relieving them off RM30,000 in cash and valuables. In the first incident on Monday, three knife-wielding men broke into house in Bukit Maluri, Kepong, at 2.30am and held up the family. The robbers, who entered from the back door, then threatened the couple and their three children before tying them and ransacking the house. Several minutes later, two of the robbers took the couple's eldest daughter to a room and allegedly raped her.. The gang then fled after 40 minutes with about RM5,000 in cash and valuables. City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Meor Chek Hussin Mahayuddin said police had also beefed-up patrols in the area. They are liaising with their counterparts in Negri Sembilan where the gang is believed to be also operating. MUST READ THIS STATEMENT subject: Malaysia is finally number 2 in something! Don't work too late ( MALAYSIA BOLEH!) Not to scare anyone.. But, it is good to be watchful rather than feel sorry later.!!!Malaysia is finally number 2 in something! Don't work too late, It's always good to be very careful.!Don't work too late, ladies, please take care and you men please tell your wife to make sure that they are not alone when they stay back to work.Here is the true story.There is a girl was raped and murdered. She went back to work on a public holiday with another girl, the boyfriend even packed lunch for them and later when the girls wanted to go home, the car couldn't start and the other girl's boyfriend who came to pick her up didn't wait because the girl told them to go off first and there was a security guard helping her. She didn't come home that night and they found her body in a burnt car abandoned in a rubber estate in Dengkil on the 3rd day.The guard reported to work and acted normal during the police investigation but when the police questioned him again, he remembered the color of her clothes in detail and they noticed that the hair on his hands were seared although there was no burnt marks. He finally admitted that he is the one that killing her. There was no cover up but the case was not publish in the newspapers.Don't ever trust the security guards. Be sure to keep the office door lock. Hey girls, be forewarned and please be doubly, even triply cautious whenever there is a need to stay back late at work. If at all possible, leave the plant/company early when there are still people around. Better yet, if there is still work that must absolutely be completed by that day, bring it home!Just heard about a rape case at a MNC(multinational company) which just happened sometimes back last year. The victim is married with kids, she worked till 11.00 pm. Security guard raped her in the toilet. She managed to escape and drove herself to the hospital. Next day, the other employees was shocked to see the condition of the toilet. Blood and her hair everywhere, and all the brooms and mops were broken. The police later came and arrested the security guard, who still reported for work the next day. However, they manage to cover it up, not even come up in the newspaper or any media.I can't imagine how such cases have been covered up in Malaysia . It's because they are MNC. (This is a sad reality)Please girls, don't put your life in danger by working late or being negligent. You can never be too careful nowadays. Malaysia ranks number 2 in crime against woman.Please send this to all your female friends My extra advice: Guys, please tell your mom, your sister, your wife, your girlfriends and all your female friends around you too!
nota:tqvm m som upah soposen.
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