Many Americans today lead such busy lives that we barely have time for our morning coffee. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get things done. However, many of us, especially those with families, do want to have a pet in the house. If you like both cats and dogs and are trying to decide which pet would fit into your busy family's life the easiest, read the following ten reasons why a cat is the better option.1. Cats are more independent. Since cats are so independent, they won't get as upset as a dog if you don't have as much time to spend with them every day. Dogs are very needy animals and they will be less likely to tolerate it if you have a few busy days where they get less attention.2. Cats don't need sitters.If you have to travel, a cat will be fine alone in the house for a few days. All you have to do is leave plenty of food and water, and the rest they will handle themselves.3. Cats bathe themselves.With a cat you don't have to worry about squeezing in bath time for the pet.4. Cats don't need haircuts. Most dogs have to take frequent trips to the salon to get their hair trimmed. This is especially true if you have breeds such as a poodle, schnauzer, etc. Cats never need to be trimmed.5. Cats are more content in general.Cats don't long to go outside and run as much as dogs do. Dogs are so full of energy that they require frequent trips outside to run and play. Unlike cats, they will go stir crazy being locked up in a house for too long.6. Cats aren't as demanding. They are more content lying at your feet or in your lap while you are busy working on the computer, for example. Dogs tend to jump all over you and expect you to stop what you are doing to play with them.7. Cats pace themselves when they eat.The don't scarf all of their food down at once like a dog does. You can feel more comfortable leaving a cat a large bowl of food to eat on for several days. No matter how much food you leave for a dog, they will try to eat it all at once, then wind up hungry later with an empty bowl.
8. Cats aren't as loud. Dogs tend to bark at everything, causing disturbances. Cats usually aren't afraid of thunder and don't care if a neighbor walks by the house. You can concentrate one what you have to do around the house more easily when you aren't disturbed by a loud pet.9. Cat's can go in a litter box and don't have to be taken for a walk.You don't have to worry about squeezing in time to walk the pet on days when you are so busy you don't even have time for morning coffee.10. Cats don't mind being home alone.If you have to work an extra long day at work and then take the kids to soccer practice and don't return home until well after dark, a cat won't care. Dogs, on the other hand, will be very frustrated that you left them for so long that they may have an accident on the floor or tear up your favorite rug in revenge.These are the top ten reasons why a cat is the better pet for a busy household. If you're trying to decide which pet will fit more easily into your busy schedule, this list should help you sort it out.
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