Introduction: Surah Yunus - Jonah
It is a tenth surah of the Holy Quran in order. Surah Yunus "Jonah" was revealed in Mecca, Arabia on Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). Yunus "Jonah" titled on the name of Prophet and messenger Jonah "Yunus" (peace be upon him). The total number of verse in surah At Taubah are 109.
Summary of Surah : verse 1-10
1: Allah, Aleem and Raheem, says: These are the verses of the Book which is all wisdom.
2: Do these people wonder why We have charged one of them to warn human beings of the consequences of their wrong-doings and offer glad tidings to those who believe in His Laws that they shall have a high rank with their Rabb? These people think that the Rasool should be superhuman. Hence they demand miracles from him and when he does not perform them they declare that he is a liar.
3: Most certainly your Rabb is that Allah, who has created the heavens and the earth in six aeons and wields supreme authority over it. (Everything in the universe functions strictly according to His laws in perfect harmony). It is His law that one particular thing, in association with other produces something new - if these things do not function together according to His laws, the desired result would not come out. Similarly, like minded people associate with each other for the right cause and their efforts bring out constructive results. Such is Allah, your Rabb. So obey Him alone! will you not reflect on this?
4: All your actions will bring about results according to His law of Mukaf'at - this is the certain truth. His law of creation is that He initiates a thing and, taking it through various stages of evolution, brings it to its destination. In like manner, the actions of human beings bring about their inevitable results - right actions produce constructive results and wrong actions destructive results - a painful chastisement, because of the persistent refusal to acknowledge the truth.
5: He has designed the sun as shining glow and the moon which reflects light and appointed stages for the moon so that you may reckon time and mark the number of years. Allah Almighty has not created this otherwise than in accordance with truth (to fulfil a definite purpose according to His plans). He explains His laws clearly to a people of understanding.
6: Surely, in the alternation of night and day and in all what Allah Almighty has created in the heavens and the earth are signs full of meaning for those who have insight.
7-10: Human beings may be divided into three categories. (1) The first two are those who have no knowledge of the universality of the laws of Allah, and (2) those who acquire this knowledge and conquer the forces of nature but believe that life is only of this world and are content with this life. The ultimate destination of those who belong to these two categories is Jahannam. The third category comprises people who believe in Allah Almighty and the life hereafter, conquer the forces of nature and utilize them for the benefit of mankind in accordance with eternal values prescribed by Allah. These people will lead the blissful life of Jannat wherein streams flow. Their lives will be a living testimony that Allah Almighty has not created the universe in vain or for destructive purposes (3/189-191). In their society each person will desire the welfare of all others. This is how they will proclaim the Hamd of Allah Almighty - the Nourisher of all humanity (1/1).
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