Al Jabbar is the Dictator, the Great Commander, the Most Powerful. The Compeller is not inadequate in anything and does what He promises. Al Jabbar also improves the conditions of His vice-gerants on earth. Al Jabbar is the Most Capable One. Repaires all broken things by putting them back together.
1. Protect against enemies:
Recite Al Jabbar 100 times after Solat Asar for protection against enemies and their domination. People will love such a person.
2. Prevent from doing unlawful things:
Ya Jabbar when recited will prevent yhe person from doing anything that is haram or unlawful. recite it many times when being tempted into doing things which are against the syariah.
3. Punishing the evil doers:
who recites Ya Jabbar 206 or 226 times in the morning and evening ( daily ) insya Allah no evil person will do harm to the mukmin. Allah swt will punish the person of evil intent.
4. To prevent curse:
If you afraid people might curse you for nothing then you must recite Ya Jabbar 206 times. Allah swt so wishes, you will be guarded from such happenings. if you recite this 216 times, you will be safe from bad people in your business or in general.
5. For honour:
Inscribe Ya Jabbar on a piece of paper and hold in your right hand. when you meet people for any important things, you will be honoured by them. one tasbih is to write it on your watch or medal or even silver ring.
from the book "the light" by hassen meeah.
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