Saturday, 19 January 2008
Samsu is a cheap intoxicating liquor, widely consumed by young and old people. A recent CAP survey showed that once commonly was consumed by estates workers and village folks has now become a trendy drink among the urbanites.
The alcohol content in this cheap liquor is alarming high ranging from 17% to 48%. Alcohol associated diseases includes cancers, liver disorders, cirrhosis of liver and heart ailments due to its high content of alcohol the health of many poor people are ruined. Manufacturers of samsu have resorted to many misleading health claims. One brand recommends it for anaemia, loss of appetite, indigestion and healing properties. Children as young as 12 years can be found consuming samsu and our survey showed that mainly school dropouts are easy targets of this cheap liquor. There are over hundreds brands of samsu available in the market. This intoxicating liquor gained its popularity because of its cheap price and easy availability. Buying samsu is as simple as buying sweets or candy in sundry shops. Anyone including children can buy it without any hassle. The price for a bottle of Samsu 150ml varies from between RM3.00 to RM5.00 per bottle, hence making it affordable to children. Regular drinkers can easily buy samsu on credit.Under Section 32(1) and 33 (1) of the Excise Act 1976, no person can sell (either wholesale or retail) intoxicating liquor either for use within a premise or outside without a license. The license issued must specify the precise place where sale is allowed. Any sale without a license is an offence under the Act.A license is required for the sale of samsu. However the demand is great so some shops do not even bother to apply for license to sell this killer brew. In the past CAP has made several reports to the Customs and Excise Department about the illegal sale of samsu. However till today the illegal sale of samsu is prevailing. More and more unlicensed dealers are engaging in samsu sale. The samsu addiction has brought untold damages to families and communities. Not only the drinkers are affected but women, children will suffer the ill effects of the drinking habits of their husbands and fathers. The monthly expenditure on samsu eats up a big portion of the family's income. Someone who is new to samsu may spend abut RM90 a month on the liquor. As he gets addicted and starts to drink more he may be spending up to RM 300 a month on it. Taking an average monthly income of RM600 this means that more than half of his income is drained down his throat in the form of samsu. This is usually at the expense of more needful necessities like food and clothing for children.One housewife in CAP's survey says her husband even stole money from the house to buy samsu. "Once he stole two chickens to buy this evil drink," she says. With current price hike of food and household products, this drinking habit will cause more social problems and can lead to violence, child abuse, traffic accidents, suicides, marriage breakups and homicide.Immediate positive measures need to be taken in order to stop the growing problem of samsu sale and addiction in order to protect our society from the socials ills and serious health hazards of samsu.CAP once again urges the government to ban the sale of this cheap intoxicating liquor. Meanwhile the Health Department needs to verify the health claims made by the manufacturers. The Excise Act 1976 should be strictly enforced to prevent uncontrollable illegal sale of samsu. Unlicensed dealers of samsu and other liquors must be singled out and prosecuted. – 11 January 2008
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