Thursday, December 20, 2012


PANGGILAN MESYUARAT AJK AFATS. Assalam semua AJK. Seperti dirancangkan, kita akan bermesyuarat pada 22 dec 2012 ini di Nova Sec Shah Alam. Mohon sahkan kehadhiran di ruangan ini atau terus ke brader SU. Untuk SU, sila beritahu kpd brader yang tidak mempunyai FB melalui telefon. Wallahu alam.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Mesyuarat 'posrmortem

AsSalam dan Selamat Sejahtera Brader,

Pada mesyuarat 'posrmortem' pada 07/04/2012, Kita bincangkan juga 'statistik' kehadiran Brader. Keseluruhan Brader hadir berdaftar malam itu adalah seramai 186. (kat 'BraderGroup' nie seramai 145 Brader yang mengatakan InsyaAllah hadir - cuma 76 Brader daripadanya yang hadir - Terima kasih) 

Kita ada wakil dari kebanyakan Intake yang hadir, Brader dari Sarawak pun datang semata2 untuk meraikan malam tersebut...TK dari kami di Persatuan. 

Setelah di semak, beberapa Intake yang tiada wakil adalah dari 

* Intake 18, 
* Intake 31, 
* Intake 32, 
* Intake 39, 
* Intake 40, 
* Intake 41 
* dan Intake 42. 

Kami di Persatuan amatlah mengharapkan kehadiran Brader secara 'total' dari setiap Intake untuk perjumpaan di masa hadapan.

0413 Kamal Ismail.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Foto Pengistiharan Hari AFATS Di Dewan 91 DBK

Penghargaan Hari AFATS Dari Presiden Haji Hanafiah

Assalam semua brader, saya secara pribadinya ingin mengucapkan ribua terima kasih kepada semua brader AJK yang telah berusaha dengan gigihnya sehinggakan kedatangan semalam adalah sejarah didalam acara yang dikendalikan AFATS. Dianggarkan kehadiran melebihi 200 orang. Kepada brader yang hadhir, saya dan AJK amat berterima kasih diatas sokonga yang jitu terhada AFATS. Sokongan dari brader yang beginilah yang akan menghidupkan persatuan Kita. Tiada BRADER tiada AFATS. BRADER.......AFATS. BRADER........AFATS. BRADER......AFATS. Wallahu taala alam. Wassalam

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ubat Kayap Ular 2

Cuba dulu yang dah dicadangkan tu tapi kalau tak baik juga bolehlah cuba cara ni,ambil cendawan yg tumbuh pada pokok getah yg dah mati(tumbang) cendawan tu kecik2 aja tapi keras, kalau masalah nak cari nanti aku kirim tapi pokok getah yang mati atau hidup payah nak dapat di tempat aku, kalau terpaksa aku akan carik kan, cendawan itu perlu digoreng sebanyak lebih kurang segenggam , digoreng tanpa minyak hingga garing tapi tidak boleh hangus, lepas tu ditumbuk hingga hancur lumat. kemudian parut kelapa , keluarkan santan nya tanpa campur air dan santan itu campurkan dengan cendawan yang telah ditumbuk tadi. sapukan lah pada tempat yang sakit dan jangan lupa baca bismillah dan selawat.  insyaallah...

Ubat Kayap Ular

Salam Bro, saya pernah kena kayap ular dahulu dan berubat cara traditional dan mujarap.  Ambil sedikit daun bambu (kaum India selalu tanam pokok ni) dan pucuk daun jambu batu, tumbuk kedua-duanya hingga lumat dan digaulkan dengan bedak sejuk yang dihancurkan. Sapu ditempat yang terkena kayap dalam 3 kali sehari, insyaAllah.

Dari brader group

Friday, March 16, 2012

Penyakit Kayap Ular

Salam bro cuba guna sirih yang dikunyah cukup lengkap dengan bahan bahannya seperti gambir ,kapur dan pinang. Sapu air sirih tadi pada kawasan yang kena kayap . Jgn lupa baca Alfatihah dan selawat sebelum menyapu dan buat sehingga 3 kali/hari Insyaallah jika diizinkan Allah kayap tersebut akan kering.

Monday, March 12, 2012

25 Ways to Waste Your Money

25 Ways to Waste Your Money

By Erin Burt, Contributing Editor | Kiplinger – Wed, Mar 2, 2011 3:00 AM EST



Plug your financial leaks, and pocket the savings.

Has your budget sprung a leak?

Nearly everyone has spending holes. And as with other kinds of leaks, you may have hardly noticed them. But those small drips can quickly add up to big bucks. The trick is to find the holes and plug them so you can keep more money in your pocket. That extra cash could be the ticket to finally being able to save, invest, or break your cycle of living from paycheck to paycheck.

Here are 25 common ways people waste money. See if any of these sound familiar, then look for ways to plug your own leaks:

More from

• 10 Things We Overpay For

• 5 Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund

• 10 Signs the Economy Is on the Upswing

1. Carrying a balance. Debt is a shackle that holds you back. For instance, if you have a $1,000 balance on a credit card that charges an 18% rate, you blow $180 every year on interest. Get in the habit of paying off your balance in full each month.

2. Overspending on gas and oil for your car. There's no need to spring for premium fuel if the manufacturer says regular is just fine. You should also check to make sure your tires are optimally inflated to get the best gas mileage. And are you still paying for an oil change every 3,000 miles? Many models nowadays can last 5,000 to 7,000 miles between changes, and some even have built-in sensors to tell you when it's time to change the oil. Check your manual to find the best time for your car's routine maintenance.

[Click here to check savings products and rates in your area.]

3. Keeping unhealthy habits. Smoking costs a lot more than just what you pay for a pack of cigarettes. It significantly increases the cost of life and health insurance. And you'll pay more for homeowners and auto insurance. Add in various other expenses, and the true cost of smoking adds up dramatically over a lifetime -- $86,000 for a 24-year-old woman over a lifetime and $183,000 for a 24-year-old man over a lifetime, according to "The Price of Smoking" (The MIT Press).

Another habit to quit: indoor tanning. There is now a 10% tax on indoor tanning services. As with cigarettes, the true cost of tanning -- which the World Health Organization lists among the worst-known carcinogens -- is higher than just the price you pay each time you go to the salon.

4. Using a cell phone that doesn't fit. How many people do you know who have spent hundreds of dollars on fancy phones, and then pay hundreds of dollars every month for the privilege of using them? Your phone is not a status symbol. It is a way to communicate. Many people pay too much for cell phone contracts and don't use all their minutes. Go to or to evaluate your usage and see if you can find a plan that fits you better. Or consider a prepaid cell phone. Compare rates at

5. Buying brand-name instead of generic. From groceries to clothing to prescription drugs, you could save money by choosing the off-brand over the fancy label. And in many cases, you won't sacrifice much in quality. Clever advertising and fancy packaging don't make brand-name products better than lesser-known brands.

6. Keeping your mouth shut. No one wants to be a nuisance. But by simply asking, you may be able to snag a lower rate on your credit card.

When shopping, watch for price discrepancies at the cash register, and make a habit of asking, "Do you have a coupon for this?" You might even be able to haggle for a lower price, especially on seasonal or perishable items, floor models or big-ticket purchases. Many stores will also match or beat their competitors' prices if you speak up. And try asking for a discount if you pay cash or debit -- this saves the store the cut it has to pay the credit-card company, so it may be willing to give you a deal. It doesn't hurt to ask.

[How You Can Get Richer This Year]

7. Buying beverages one at a time. If you're in the habit of buying bottled water, coffee-by-the-cup or vending-machine soda, your budget has sprung a leak. Instead, drink tap water or use a water filter. Brew a homemade cuppa joe. Buy your soda in bulk and bring it to work. (Better yet, skip the soda in favor of something healthier.)

8. Paying for something you can get for free. There's a boatload of freebies for the taking, if you know where to look. Some of our favorites include restaurant meals for kids, credit reports, software programs, prescription drugs and tech support. You can also help yourself to all the books, music and movies your heart desires at your local library for free (or dirt cheap).

9. Stashing your money with Uncle Sam rather than in an interest-earning account. If you get a tax refund each April, you let the government take too much money in taxes from your paycheck all year long. Get that money back in your pocket this year -- and put it to work for you -- by adjusting your tax withholding. You can file a new Form W-4 with your employer at any time.

10. Being disorganized. It pays to get your financial house in order. Lost bills and receipts, forgotten tax deductions, and clueless spending can cost you hundreds of dollars each year. Start by setting up automatic bill payment online for your monthly bills to eliminate late fees and postage costs. Then get a handful of files to organize important receipts, insurance policies, tax documents and other statements.

Finally, consider using free budgeting software such as to see exactly where your money goes, making it much harder for you to lose track of it.

11. Letting your money wallow in a low-interest account. You work hard for your money. Shouldn't it work hard for you too? If you're stashing your cash in a traditional savings account earning next-to-nothing, you're wasting it. Make sure you're getting the best return on your money. Search for the highest yields on CDs and money-market savings accounts. And consider using a free online checking account that pays interest, such as ones offered by Everbank and ING Direct.

Your stocks and mutual funds should be working hard for you, too. If they've been lagging behind their peers for too long, it could be time to say goodbye. Learn how to spot a wallowing fund or stock.

12. Paying late fees and missing deadlines. Return those library books and movie rentals on time. Mail in those rebates. Submit expense reports on time for reimbursement. And if you make a bad purchase, don't just stuff it in the back of the closet and hope it goes away. Get off your duff, return it and get your money back before you lose the receipt.

13. Paying ATM fees. Expect to throw away nearly $4 every time you use an ATM that isn't in your bank's network. That's because you'll pay an ATM surcharge, and your own bank will hit you with a non-network fee. Consider switching to a bank, such as Ally Bank, that doesn't charge ATM fees and reimburses you for fees other banks charge. Another way to avoid fees if there's not an ATM in your bank's network nearby is to get cash back when you make a purchase at the grocery store or drugstore.

14. Shopping at the grocery store without a calculator. Check how much an item costs per ounce, pound or other unit of measurement. When you comparison-shop by unit price, you save. For example, if a pack of 40 diapers costs $13, that's 33 cents per diaper. But if you buy a box of 144 diapers for $35, that's 24 cents per diaper. You save 27%! (Of course, buying more of something only saves money if you use it all. If you end up throwing much out, you wasted money.)

[6 Costs You Should Always Negotiate]

15. Paying for things you don't use. Do you watch all those cable channels? Do you need those extra features on your phone? Are you getting your money's worth out of your gym membership? Are you taking full advantage of your Netflix, TiVo and magazine subscriptions? Take a look at what your family actually uses, then trim accordingly.

16. Not reading the fine print. Thought you were being smart by transferring the balance on a high-rate credit card to a low-rate one? Did you read the fine print, though? Some credit-card companies now charge up to 5% for balance transfers. Also watch out for free checking accounts that aren't so free. Some banks are starting to charge fees unless you meet certain criteria.

17. Mismanaging your flexible spending account. For some people, that means failing to take advantage of their workplace FSA, which lets employees set aside pre-tax dollars for out-of-pocket medical costs. Other people fail to submit receipts on time. And the average worker leaves $86 behind in his or her use-it-or-lose-it FSA account each year, according to WageWorks, an employee benefits provider.

18. Being an inflexible traveler. You'll save a lot of money on travel if you're willing to be flexible. Consider traveling before or after peak season when prices are lower. Or search for flights over a range of dates to find the lowest fare. Booking at the last minute also can save you money because hotels and airlines slash prices to fill rooms and planes. And flexibility pays off at blind-booking sites, such as Priceline or Hotwire, which offer deep discounts if you're willing to book a room or flight without knowing which hotel or airline (or other details about the flight) you're getting until you pay.

19. Sticking with the same service plans and the same service providers year after year. Hey, we're all for loyalty to trusted service providers, such as your bank, insurer, credit-card company, mutual fund, phone plan or cable plan. But over time, as prices and your circumstances change, the status-quo may not be the best deal any more. Smart consumers are always on the lookout for bargains.

20. Making impulse purchases. When you buy before you think, you don't give yourself time to shop around for the best price. Take the time to compare prices online, read product reviews and look for coupons when appropriate.

Make it a policy to give yourself a cooling-off period in case you're ever tempted to make an impulse purchase. Go home and sleep on the decision. More often than not, you'll decide you don't need the item after all.

[14 Ways to Save Money on Groceries]

21. Dining out frequently. Spending $10, $20, $30 per person for dinner can be a huge drain on your wallet. Throw in a $6 sandwich for lunch every day and you've got quite a leak. Learning to cook and bringing your lunch from home can save a couple hundred bucks each month. When you do go out, consider getting carry-out instead of dining in (you'll save on the tip and drink), skip the overpriced appetizer and dessert, and search the Web for coupons ahead of time.

22. Trying to time the stock market. In trying to buy low and sell high, many people actually do the opposite. Instead, employ the simple strategy of "dollar-cost-averaging." By investing a fixed dollar amount at regular intervals, you smooth out the ups and downs of the market over time. If you take out the emotion and guesswork, investing can become less stressful, less wasteful and more successful.

23. Buying insurance you don't need. You only need life insurance if someone is financially dependent upon you, such as a child. That means most singles, seniors or kids don't need a policy. Other policies you can probably do without include credit-card insurance (better to use the premium to pay down your debt in the first place), rental-car insurance (most auto policies and credit cards carry some coverage), mortgage life insurance and accidental-death insurance (a regular term-life insurance policy will do the trick).

24. Buying new instead of used. Talk about a spending leak -- or, rather, a gush. Cars lose 20% of their value the moment they're driven off the lot and 65% in the first five years. Used models can be a real value because you can get a car that's still in fine working order for a fraction of the new-car price. And you'll pay less in collision insurance and taxes, too.

Cars aren't the only things worth buying used. Consider the savings on pre-owned books, toys, exercise equipment, children's clothing and furniture. (Of course, there are some things you're better off buying new, including mattresses, laptops, linens, shoes and safety equipment, such as car seats and bike helmets.)

25. Procrastinating. Time is an asset money can't buy. Start investing for retirement as soon as possible. For instance, if a 40-year-old saves $300 a month with an 8% return per year, he'll have $287,000 by age 65. If he had started saving 15 years earlier at age 25, he'd have more than $1 million.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Top 5 reasons why we snack

Top 5 reasons why we snack

By Katherine Vankoughnet

Food provides us with the fuel we need to survive and thrive, but there are plenty of other reasons why we find ourselves at the trough, and these triggers are often the culprits behind a derailed diet or
excessive weight gain. Read on for the most common temptation scenarios and tips on how to successfully work through them.

We snack because: We're stressed"People use food to soothe and comfort themselves when they're experiencing an emotion that they either don't want to or don't know how to deal with at the time," explains Susan Wnuk, a Toronto-based clinical psychologist who specializes in eating disorders and weight-related problems. That's why a looming deadline, an overbooked schedule or apprehension about an upcoming event can have us making a beeline for the pantry, whether we realize it or not.

Fight the urge: Be mindful. "Some of my patients have found it helpful to put 'Stop' signs on the door of the cupboard or fridge to help them reconsider why they want to eat," Wnuk says. "If you're not actually hungry, it helps to take a moment to evaluate any pressures or problems affecting you at the moment."

Healthy alternatives: Avoid stimulants like caffeine or refined sugar, which can cause a brief spike in energy followed soon after by an extended crash. Try foods rich in B vitamins, such as bananas, beans and lentils, which have been known to
combat stress.

We snack because: We're sadIt's practically a cliche now -- gorging on buckets of ice cream after a bad breakup or a piece of cake after an unsuccessful job interview. Depression, from its most temporary to its most severe forms, has many of us indulging in the fleeting pleasures of food to fill the void.

Fight the urge: If you're constantly coping by taking comfort in food, Wnuk recommends writing in a journal to help you sort through your feelings and become more aware of your habits. "It's important to remember that food doesn't solve any problems besides hunger," Wnuk advises.

Healthy alternatives: Healthy carbohydrates should be your go-to snack for any pity party you plan to throw. Stick to whole grain pastas and breads to increase your body's production of serotonin: a neurotransmitter that naturally elevates your mood and increases calmness and happiness.

We snack because: We're celebratingWhether it's a steak dinner to mark your big promotion or a bag of chips to reward yourself for doing the laundry, positively reinforcing good behaviour with tasty treats is a dangerous business.

Fight the urge: Keep your rewards restricted to inedible items. Going for a well-deserved
massage or purchasing a much-coveted pair of shoes can bring you satisfaction without sacrificing your waistline.

Healthy alternatives: To honour life's smaller victories grab a piece of fruit. It will satisfy your sweet tooth and help you feel "treated" with the added bonus of upping your intake of fibre and essential vitamins. Try something new and exotic, or a type of fruit that you rarely buy for an added sense of occasion.

We snack because: We're boredEating is a convenient and affordable (and legal!) pleasure-inducing activity that we can literally engage in anytime, anywhere, so it's no wonder that so many of us turn to food -- and more often than not, junk food -- for entertainment or to break up the monotony of our day-to-day lives.

Fight the urge: Get moving. If you're mindlessly grazing by your desk or working your way through a bowl of popcorn in front of the TV, a little change of scenery might help. Go for a
brisk walk around the block or do as many pushups as you can during the commercial breaks to keep your mind from wandering over to your secret candy stash.

Healthy alternatives: Replace your sugary or salty go-tos with
healthier options, such as fruit and nuts, veggies and hummus or low-fat cheese in the places you're most likely to offend.

We snack because: We're procrastinating"I will finish this report, right after I go grab a cookie from the coffee shop down the street." Sound familiar? Food is an easily accessible diversion for those of us who have a tendency to put things off until the very last minute.

Fight the urge: "Eat healthfully and regularly," Wnuk recommends. Frequent well-rounded meals will stave off hunger pangs and sluggishness-inducing dips in blood sugar, and will remove food from the list of tempting distractions.

Healthy alternatives: Lean protein such as fish, poultry or low-fat dairy help increase levels of dopamine and norepinephrine: two naturally occurring brain chemicals that promote alertness and our ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ
Saya selaku Presiden dan Semua AJK Persatuan XAFATS dengan segala hormatnya ingin menjemput semua Brader untuk meraikan HARI AFATS yang julung-julung kali diadakan setelah kita persetujui bersama semasa AGM yang lepas.  Untuk tahun ini, Pihak AJK telah bersetuju dan memutuskan untuk
 mengadakan hanya Majlis bacaan yasin dan tahlil memandangkan kesuntukan masa. Butir-butir sambutan adalah seperti berikut
a. Tarikh        :  31 March 2012b.
    Tempat      : 91 DBP, Jalan Kuching, Kuala Lumpurc.    Bayaran     : RM 25.00 ++ (Untuk brader di UPNM - RM 10.00 shj)
d.    Kehadhiran : Bujang.  Tapi saper yang nak bawak Isteri, digalakkan (bgi orang yang sayang bini)
e. Aturcara    :  1800 - Magrib     - Pendaftaran dan jamuan ringan                                                        - Solat Maghrib
                                                    - Bacaan yassin dan tahlil    
                                                    - Solat Isyak    
                                                    - Ucapan oleh Presiden Persatuan    
                                                    - Ucapan Penaung YBhg Dato Abd Aziz bin Ibrahim    
                                                    - Jamuan    
                                                    - Penyampain cenderahati kepada semua Mantan Presiden                                                        -(Penyampaian kecemerlangan/kebajikan/bantuan yang                                                          boleh dicari dalam masa terdekat)    
                                                    - Cabutan bertuah yang sentiasa bertuah                     
                        2300                    -Bersurai 
Saya juga amat mengalu-ngalukan sebarang bentuk sumbangan  terutamanya dari segi kewangan atau apa-apa
jua bantuan bagi menjayakan Majlis kita ini.  Sumbangan dari Brader saya dahului dengan ucapan ribuan terimakasih
dan Allah jua yang mampu membalasnya.
Akhir kalam, saya dan semua AJK sekali lagi menyeru semua brader agar dapat meluangkan masa bersama-sama bagi
menjayakan majlis ini. Wabillahi taufi walhidayah wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Monday, January 30, 2012




1.      Drink plenty of water.2.      Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner         like a beggar.3.      Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less         food that is manufactured in plants.4.      Live with the 3 E's -- Energy,  Enthusiasm, and Empathy.5.      Make time to practice meditation, yoga, and prayer.6.      Play more games.7.      Read more books than you did in 2011 .8.      Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.9.      Sleep for 7 hours.10.    Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk,         smile.


11.    Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what         their journey is all about.12.    Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control.         Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.13.    Don't over do. Keep your limits.14.    Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.15.    Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.16.    Dream more while you are awake.17.    Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.18.    Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past.           That will ruin your present happiness.19.    Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.20.    Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.21.    No one is in charge of your happiness except you.22.    Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.         Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away         like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. 23.    Smile and laugh more.24.    You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


25.    Call your family often.26.    Each day give something good to others.27.    Forgive everyone for everything.28.    Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.29.    Try to make at least three people smile each day.30.    What other people think of you is none of your business.31.    Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your          friends will. Stay in touch.


32.    Do the right thing!33.    Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.34.    GOD heals everything.35.    However good or bad a situation is, it will change.36.    No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.37.    The best is yet to come.38.    When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.39.    Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy 

By Joe

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Presiden Persatuan AFATS Brader Hj. Hanafiah Ibrahim telah melawat brader Zahari bin Kamarulzaman

Presiden Persatuan AFATS Brader Hj. Hanafiah Ibrahim telah melawat brader Zahari bin Kamarulzaman pada 28 Jan 2012 yang sedang dirawat di Hospital Serdang, tingkat 6, Wad 6F, katil No. 4 kerana serangan sakit jantung.  Brader Zahari menyampaikan salam kepada semua brader dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada brader-brader yang mengambil berat tentang diri beliau.

10 ways to slow the aging process

10 ways to slow the aging process
You can do a variety of simple things – from
eating protein at every meal to taking a regular whiff of lavender – to help slow the aging process and maintain health and vitality as long as possible, says Penny Kendall-Reed, a naturopath and director of natural therapies at the Urban Wellness Clinic in Toronto.
Kendall-Reed believes that being happy and as stress-free as possible are the keys to living a longer, healthier life. And feeling healthy, energetic and
stress-free translates into a more youthful appearance.
10 tips to start slowing the hands of time1. At every meal, eat foods high in protein, such as fish, turkey, egg whites or tofu. A gram of protein for every kilogram of body weight is a good rule of thumb. (That's 22 grams/0.8 ounce of protein per meal for a woman weighing 65 kilograms/145 pounds. That's equal to about 150 millilitres/two-thirds of a cup of cottage cheese, an average protein shake, three egg whites, a medium chicken or turkey breast or 125 grams/four ounces of low-fat tofu.)
Kendall-Reed says you should choose protein-rich foods that are low in fat. Protein slows insulin levels, which you want to keep in balance to avoid weight gain and risk of disease. Eating protein also promotes stable blood sugar levels, which reduces stress, which in turn helps keep that pesky stress hormone, cortisol, in check.
2. Ease stress with extracts from the magnolia flower,
green tea or milk peptide, all of which are available at your local health food store. Kendall-Reed says you should talk to a health-care professional before you try any of these. Massage is another way to calm stress.
3. Take 100 to 200 milligrams each of vitamins B6 and B12 daily to reduce cortisol and increase levels of serotonin, a chemical in the body that helps ease depression and anxiety.
4. Lavender, a natural relaxant, helps keep cortisol levels stable and smells terrific. Put this essential oil in the bath or rub it onto your face and body, or tuck a sachet of the dried flower under your pillow.
5. Exercise regularly. When you're physically active, you make more growth hormone, a key factor in
remaining youthful. "Growth hormone plays a role in everything, whether it's skin, libido,
weight gain, muscle mass or energy level – almost any sign and symptom you can think of related to aging," says Kendall-Reed.
6. Get nine hours of sleep each night, if possible; eight hours won't do it, says Kendall-Reed. When our bodies are in the repair mode of
deep, restful sleep, we produce growth hormone. People who have trouble sleeping often have lower levels of growth hormone. As well, lack of sleep is a stressor.
7. Take a selection of antioxidant vitamins to target all 13 types of free radicals. Kendall-Reed says taking vitamins A, C and E and selenium (often available in one pill) daily helps clean up free radicals. She stresses that you should talk to your health-care practitioner, who can help you choose a supplement and proper dose. Of special note, don't take any of these agents if you are on blood thinners, she says.
8. To deal with wear and tear on the body,
consider supplements that enhance the production of elastin and collagen. These include glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, MSM and hyaluronic acid.
9. To increase the strength of the immune system,
take supplements such as plant sterinols, olive extract (a natural antiviral), zinc and denatured whey. Again, see a health-care professional first.
(To find out about the 10 best-bet supplements, click here.)10. Relax. Smile. "
Be happy and stress-free," says Kendall-Reed. "What comes out in your body when you're unhappy and stressed wreaks so much havoc. Don't sweat the small stuff."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pengambilan Perantis Putera TD 2012

Sila ke laman web TD untuk maklumat lanjut seperti dibawah:

Perantis Putera

Perantis Putera

Author: Pentadbir 1 Published: 2012-01-17 16:00:00

Tentera Darat Malaysia mempelawa pelajar-pelajar LELAKI lepasan PMR untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di dalam bidang vokasional selama 2 tahun di Sekolah Pertukangan Perantis Tentera Darat (SPPTD), Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. Sebuah sekolah berasrama penuh, lengkap dengan semua kemudahan yang disediakan secara percuma. Anda juga akan diberikan elaun bulanan dan setelah tamat pengajian, anda akan diberikan pekarjaan yang tetap dalam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia.

Lokasi Sesi Temuduga:  Sekolah Pertukangan Perantis Tentera Darat, Kem Sirusa, 71050 Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan.
Tarikh Sesi Temuduga:  26 Januari 2012.
Masa Sesi Temuduga:  8:00 pagi hingga 5:00 petang

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Assalamualaikum wbt.,
Maaf minta izin mencelah.
Pepatah Melayu menyebut"
Rumah siap pahat berbunyi", ada kebenaran nya...adatnya lah masih bolih pakai sampai ke hari ini.
Sama juga rendah diri Tuan President berkata, quote "
Tegur lah jika berlaku yang tak betul." unquote. Ertinya menunjukkan keikhlasan tuan President dan AJK.
Dalam Islam ada hamba Allah dan Khalifah.
Dalam persatuan Ahli adalah hamba Allah, dan AJK ada lah hamba Allah dan Khalifah.
Setiap sesuatu perbuatan kita mestilah di sertai "Niat" kerana Allah, barulah dapat barakah dan keredhaan Allah. Walaupun kita berjuang kerana Islam (agama Allah) pun kita kena Ikhlas dengan niat kerana Allah. Kalau tidak sia2 lah.
Saya berbangga dengan adanya persatuan AFATS ini dan terus hidup walau pun saya telah mentutup mata (yg pasti) untuk di kenang olih anak cucu cicit saya di kemudian hari.
Kepada AJK kami (brader) doakan agar dapat buat yang terbaik untuk semua warga AFATS baru atau lama, ahli atau bukan ahli untuk mengeratkan Silaturahim yang di tuntut dalam Islam.
Apa yang telah berlaku dalam mesyuarat kelmarin menunjukkan kedewasaan kita. Terima Kasih AJK lama dan selamat berkhidmat kepada AJK baru.
Buatlah terbaik dengan penuh keikhlasan kerana Allah, agar persatuan kita di berkati. Sememangnya itu lah niat AJK kita....InsyaAllah.
Semoga Allah jua membalas jasa baik brader AJK. Berbanggalah.
Ikhlas dari sudut hati saya.
Md.Lani Ishak

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Untuk maklumat brader's semua HARI AFATS telah pun diluluskan oleh semua ahli yang hadir pada majlis AGM 2012, tarikh HARI AFATS adalah pada 01 April setiap tahun acara sambutan akan dimaklumkan dari masa ke semasa

Friday, January 13, 2012

How to resign

How to resign

By Dee Van Dyk
It happens every day in offices across the country. An employee becomes agitated and
quits on the spot, a string of angry words marking the departure.Unfortunately, that brief moment of venting may cost her dearly in the long term.
"It's important not to burn your bridges behind you," says Candace Davies, certified professional resume writer and president of Cando Career Coaching and Resume Writing. "The boss you leave today may provide the reference for the job you want tomorrow."
Consider your optionsNever make a decision in haste. Consider carefully whether you really want to tender your resignation. Are you confident that you'll be able to find other work? If you can't
find other work immediately, how strongly will that affect your life?
Once you've made the decision to leave, leave the job with as much grace and professionalism as possible. Give adequate notice, generally a minimum of two weeks, to allow your employer time to begin looking for your replacement.
Write a letterYour resignation letter will become a part of your employee file, so take care to prepare it in a professional manner. Type it out in a traditional business letter format, including your name, address, the date, and your employer's name and address.
What should the body of your letter include? Keep it simple and courteous. This is not the time or the place to air your grievances against the company or your co-workers. State your intention to resign simply and politely, including the effective date of your resignation.
You may wish to focus briefly on the positive points of your employment and the aspects of your job that you particularly liked: the contact with co-workers, working with the public, the opportunity for growth, etc. It's important to leave a positive and professional image of yourself.
Deliver your resignation letter in person. Your boss may want to talk about the reasons behind your resignation; use this time to thank your employer for the opportunities presented by the job.
Remain professionalOnce you've handed in your resignation letter, maintain your professional attitude until the end. Remember everything you do in your final days with the company may affect your references and reputation.
Offer to train your replacement. Refusing to do so will create unnecessary hard feelings and difficulties for your replacement, who is unlikely to be the source of your dissatisfaction.
And finally, return any company property that you may have before leaving.
"If you have information – passwords, combinations to access files of certain contacts – give it to your manager," recommends Davies.
As with so much in life, the key to a successful and smooth resignation lies in a
positive and professional attitude.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pengambilan AFATS 2012


Friday, January 6, 2012

Pengambilan AFATS 2012

Maklumat dari facebook
Shahir Shafiee
‎21 dan 22hb jan 2012 ada iklan pengambilan AFATS di Surat Khabar
26 Jan 2012 pemilihan AFATS di IJED Port Dickson.