Thursday, July 31, 2008

10 perkara merosakkan otak

1.Tidak mengambil sarapan pagi - Apabila seseorang tidak mengambil sarapan pagi, paras gula dalam darah akan menjadi rendah. Ini akan mengakibatkan kekurangan bekalan nutrisi pada otak dan menjadikannya kurang aktif. 2. Terlebih makan - Ia akan membebankan pembuluh darah otak dan mengurangkan kuasa mental otak. 3. Perokok - Asap rokok akan mengakibatkan sel-sel otak terjejas atau terbakar dan boleh mengakibatkan penyakit 'Alzheimer'. 4. Penggunaan gula yang berlebihan - Pengambilan gula secara berlebihan akan mengganggu penyerapan protein dan nutrisi. Selain daripada itu, ia akan mengganggu perkembangan otak y! ang sihat.5. Pencemaran udara - Otak adalah pengguna oksigen terbesar dalam badan manusia.Pencemaran udara boleh menyebabkan pengurangan bekalan oksigen ke otak dan keaktifan otak.6. Terlebih tidur - Tidur adalah bagus untuk merehatkan otak tetapi masa tidur yang panjang boleh mengakibatkan sel-sel otak kita mati. 7. Menutup muka ketika tidur - Tidur sambil menutup muka akan mengakibatkan otak menerima lebih banyak karbon dioksida berbanding oksigen dan ini akan membawa kerosakan kepada otak. 8. Membiarkan otak bekerja semasa kita berada di dalam keadaan kurang sihat - Bekerja semasa anda kurang sihat boleh mengurangkan keberkesanan otak dan juga membawa kerosakan kepada sel-sel otak. 9. Kurang berimiginasi - Berfikir adalah satu cara terbaik untuk melatih otak kita. Kurangnya berimiginasi boleh menyebabkan tahap kecerdasan/keaktifan otak menurun. 10. Jarang berfikir - Jarang berfikir akan menyebabkan otak kita kurang aktif. Oleh itu, perbincangan yang membina boleh menambah keberkesanan kecerdasan otak kita.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

tan sri

cubalah skot teka ini foto diambil kat mana.
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

cuba teka

ini ada foto salah satu buku masa belajar diafats dulu.kalau betul upah sekupang.
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Sunday, July 27, 2008

minuman yang memabukkan

cubalah skot teka sendirilah minuman apa yang memabukkan ini.manalah tau jika di offer maka tahu bahawa ia memabukkan.kelihatan seperti air barli saja.jangan ingat bila macam air barli terus diminum saja.yang sebelah kanan pula minuman sama seperti sebelah kiri tapi telah dicampur.jika betul upah sekupang.
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Friday, July 25, 2008

resipi roti canai

Roti Canai buat sendiri, ambil masa 6 jam. Resepi dari seorang kawan.
Bahan-bahan ( 5 - 8 orang (sorang 4 keping) )
1 kg tepung gandum (Tepung cap pen / cap kunci / cap sauh, kalau tidak ada tepung biasa pun boleh tetapi biar tepung gandum high protien)
15 gm garam
450 ml air suam (lebih kurang 450 gm)
2 biji telur ayam (Kalau telur ayam yang diambil dari dalam peti sejuk keluarkan terlebih agar suhu telur ayam bertukar kepada suhu bilik)
80 gm susu pekat
25 gm ramuan rahsia istimewa roti canai (lebih kurang 2 sudu besar)(boleh pesan melalui saya)
Masukan tepung gandum ke dalam bekas adunan, biar besar sedikit mudah untuk meng-uli adunan. (Gunakan tepung gandum cap pen atau cap kunci kerana tektur roti canai yang dihasilkan lebih berkualiti dan sedap)
2) Masukan 15 gm garam, 80 gm susu pekat, 2 biji telur ayam, 25 gm ramuan istimewa roti canai ke dalam tepung gandum dan akhir sekali 450 ml air suam. (Tuang sekali gus kesemua 450 ml air suam, jangan tuang air sedikit demi sedikit kerana akan menyukarkan proses meng-uli dan hasil aduanan akan berbutir-butir. Dengan menggunakan air suam hasil roti canai adalah sangat berbeza jika dibandingkan dengan menggunakan air sejuk)
Gaulkan kesemua bahan hingga menjadi satu biji doh dan tutup dengan kain bersih (putih dan sedikit jarang) dan biarkan sebentar lebih kurang 10 minit.
Cukup 10 minit uli semula adunan selama lebih kurang 5 minit.
Bila sudah lembut dan licin bolehlah dibentuk menjadi doh-doh kecil lebih kurang 20 biji hingga 32 biji doh dengan ukuran besar yang sama.
Kemudian lumurkan tiap-tiap satu doh dengan marjerin dan atur dalam bekas, tutup bekas dengan plastik dan biarkan selama 1 jam hingga 2 jam atau pun lebih.
Tips-Tips Teknik Menebar Roti Canai. - Kedua-dua belah tangan disapukan dengan minyak, doh yang dihasilkan kemudiannya dileperkan dengan tapak tangan di atas meja yang licin dan berminyak. Doh yang telah dileperkan, dengan tangan kiri memegang di sebelah atas doh sementara tangan kanan memegang bahagian bawah doh dan kemudian tebar hingga besar. Setelah ditebar, dilipat empat segi atau bulat dan diketepi seketika apabila hendak dimasak leperkan dengan jari untuk di masak. Kemudian masak di atas kuali leper sehingga masak.

NZ restoran wangsa maju

3,4 hari lepas aku pergi ini restoran beli tosei.tempat ini juga aku dgn mitcum pi pekena teh tarik itu hari.lain kali kalau ada skot mau pekena juga bisa diatur.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008

bird's family

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10 hijrah-9 zulhijjah

Khutbah ini disampaikan pada 9hb.Zulhijah Tahun 10 Hijrah di Lembah Uranah, Gunung Arafah.Di Namira, sebuah desa sebelah timur 'Arafat, telah pula dipasang sebuah kemah buat Baginda Nabi s.a.w, atas permintaannya. Bila matahari sudah tergelincir, dimintanya untanya al-Qashwa, dan ia berangkat lagi sampai di perut wadi di bilangan ''Urana. Di tempat itulah manusia dipanggilnya, sambil ia masih di atas unta, dengan suara lantang; tapi sungguhpun begitu masih diulang oleh Rabi'a b. Umayya b. Khalaf. Setelah mengucapkan syukur dan puji kepada Allah s.w.t. dengan berhenti pada setiap anak kalimat ia berkata,''Wahai manusia, dengarlah baik-baik apa yang hendak kukatakan, Aku tidak mengetahui apakah aku dapat bertemu lagi dengan kamu semua selepas tahun ini. Oleh itu dengarlah dengan teliti kata-kataku ini sampaikanlah ia kepada orang-orang yang tidak dapat hadir disini pada hari ini.''Wahai manusia, sepertimana kamu menganggap bulan ini dan kota ini sebagai suci, maka anggaplah jiwa dan harta setiap orang Muslim sebagai amanah suci. Kembalikan harta yang diamanahkan kepada kamu kepada pemiliknya yang berhak. Janganlah kamu sakiti sesiapapun agar orang lain tidak menyakiti kamu lagi. Ingatlah bahawa sesungguhnya kamu akan menemui Tuhan kamu dan Dia pasti membuat perhitungan diatas segala amalan kamu. Allah s.w.t. telah mengharamkan riba, oleh itu segala urusan yang melibatkan riba dibatalkan mulai sekarang.''Berwaspadalah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu. Dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara-perkara besar, maka berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikutinya dalam perkara-perkara kecil.''Wahai manusia, sebagaimana kamu mempunyai hak atas isteri kamu mereka juga mempunyai hak di atas kamu. Sekiranya mereka menyempurnakan hak mereka ke atas kamu maka mereka juga berhak untuk diberi makan pakaian dalam suasana kasih sayang. Layanilah wanita-wanita kamu dengan baik berlemah-lembutlah terhadap mereka kerana sesungguhnya mereka adalah teman dan pembantu kamu yang setia. Dan hak kamu atas mereka ialah mereka sama sekali tidak boleh memasukkan orang yang kamu tidak sukai ke dalam rumah kamu dan dilarang melakukan zina.''Wahai manusia, dengarlah bersungguh-sungguh kata-kataku ini, sembahlah Allah, dirikanlah sembahyang lima kali sehari, berpuasalah di bulan Ramadhan, dan tunaikan zakat dari harta kekayaan kamu. Kerjakanlah 'Ibadah Haji' sekiranya kamu mampu. Ketahuilah bahawa setiap Muslim adalah saudara kepada Muslim yang lain. Kemu semua adalah sama, tidak seorang pun yang lebih mulia dari yang lainnya kecuali dalam Taqwa dan beramal soleh.Ingatlah, bahwa kamu akan menghadap Allah pada suatu hari untuk dipertanggungjawabkan di atas segala apa yang telah kamu kerjakan. Oleh itu Awasilah agar jangan sekali-kali kamu terkeluar dari landasan kebenaran selepas ketiadaanku.''Wahai manusia, tidak ada lagi Nabi atau Rasul yang akan datang selepasku dan tidak akan lahir agama baru. Oleh itu wahai manusia, nilailah dengan betul dan fahamilah kata-kataku yang telah aku sampaikan kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara, yang sekiranya kamu berpegang teguh dan mengikuti kedua-duanya, nescaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya. Itulah Al Quran dan Sunnahku.Hendaklah orang-orang yang mendengar ucapanku, menyampaikan pula kepada orang lain. Semoga yang terakhir lebih memahami kata-kataku dari mereka yang terus mendengar dariku.Saksikanlah Ya Allah, bahawasanya telah aku sampaikan risalah Mu kepada hamba-hambaMu... Setelah sampai pada penutup kata-katanya itu ia berkata lagi:''Ya Allah! Sudahkah kusampaikan?!''Maka serentak dari segenap penjuru orang menjawab" ''Ya!''Abu Bakar ketika mendengarkan ayat itu ia menangis, ia merasa, bahawa risalah Nabi SAW sudah selesai dan sudah dekat pula saatnya Nabi SAW hendak menghadap Tuhan.Setelah meninggalkan Arafah malam itu Nabi SAW bermalam di Muzdalifa. Pagi-pagi ia bangun dan turun ke Masy'ar'l-Haram. Kemudian ia pergi ke Mina dan dalam perjalanan itu ia melemparkan batu-batu kerikil. Bila sudah sampai di kemah ia menyembelih 63 ekor unta, setiap seekor unta untuk satu tahun umurnya, dan yang selebihnya dari jumlah seratus ekor unta kurban yang dibawa Nabi SAW sewaktu keluar dari Madinah - disembelih Oleh Hazrat Ali ra. Kemudian Nabi SAW mencukur rambut dan menyelesaikan ibadah hajinya.Kita...sebagai umat Baginda SAW Seharusnya Mengamalkan pesanan Baginda SAW, Dan Meninggalkan Segala Larangan Baginda SAW, Marilah kita semua mengucap Selawat Atas Nabi SAW dan Keluarga serta Sahabatnya.Shalawat dan salam dilimpahkan Tuhan Atas nabi Muhammad pesuruh Allah Shalawat dan salam dilimpahkan Tuhan Atas nabi Muhammad kekasih Allah.
Posted by Farooq_Azuam at 4:10 AM
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008


oleh:mohd som ramdzan
GIRLS BEWARE -- INDONESIAN DEVILS ARE IN KELANA JAYA, KEPONG, DAMANSARA, BANGSAR, PUCHONG, CHERAS, SERDANG, SUBANG JAYA, SHAHALAM, OUG, SEAPARK, ..... Indonesian gangs rapes any females - BEWARE !!! These creatures that look like human called Indonesians are now raping 8 years old girl....!!! Please set up an alarm system in your house...!!! The money is not worth saving....!!! It will be too late for all you know. These Indonesians would rape any females ranging from 1 year old to as old as 90 years old. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. KUALA LUMPUR : Police have mounted an inter-state manhunt for a notorious gang which robbed a couple before raping their eight-year-old daughter intheir Kepong home on Monday. They believe the same gang is also behind Tuesday's incident where a 31-year-old housewife was gang raped by five men in front of her husband at a house in Kelana Jaya after relieving them off RM30,000 in cash and valuables. In the first incident on Monday, three knife-wielding men broke into house in Bukit Maluri, Kepong, at 2.30am and held up the family. The robbers, who entered from the back door, then threatened the couple and their three children before tying them and ransacking the house. Several minutes later, two of the robbers took the couple's eldest daughter to a room and allegedly raped her.. The gang then fled after 40 minutes with about RM5,000 in cash and valuables. City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Meor Chek Hussin Mahayuddin said police had also beefed-up patrols in the area. They are liaising with their counterparts in Negri Sembilan where the gang is believed to be also operating. MUST READ THIS STATEMENT subject: Malaysia is finally number 2 in something! Don't work too late ( MALAYSIA BOLEH!) Not to scare anyone.. But, it is good to be watchful rather than feel sorry later.!!!Malaysia is finally number 2 in something! Don't work too late, It's always good to be very careful.!Don't work too late, ladies, please take care and you men please tell your wife to make sure that they are not alone when they stay back to work.Here is the true story.There is a girl was raped and murdered. She went back to work on a public holiday with another girl, the boyfriend even packed lunch for them and later when the girls wanted to go home, the car couldn't start and the other girl's boyfriend who came to pick her up didn't wait because the girl told them to go off first and there was a security guard helping her. She didn't come home that night and they found her body in a burnt car abandoned in a rubber estate in Dengkil on the 3rd day.The guard reported to work and acted normal during the police investigation but when the police questioned him again, he remembered the color of her clothes in detail and they noticed that the hair on his hands were seared although there was no burnt marks. He finally admitted that he is the one that killing her. There was no cover up but the case was not publish in the newspapers.Don't ever trust the security guards. Be sure to keep the office door lock. Hey girls, be forewarned and please be doubly, even triply cautious whenever there is a need to stay back late at work. If at all possible, leave the plant/company early when there are still people around. Better yet, if there is still work that must absolutely be completed by that day, bring it home!Just heard about a rape case at a MNC(multinational company) which just happened sometimes back last year. The victim is married with kids, she worked till 11.00 pm. Security guard raped her in the toilet. She managed to escape and drove herself to the hospital. Next day, the other employees was shocked to see the condition of the toilet. Blood and her hair everywhere, and all the brooms and mops were broken. The police later came and arrested the security guard, who still reported for work the next day. However, they manage to cover it up, not even come up in the newspaper or any media.I can't imagine how such cases have been covered up in Malaysia . It's because they are MNC. (This is a sad reality)Please girls, don't put your life in danger by working late or being negligent. You can never be too careful nowadays. Malaysia ranks number 2 in crime against woman.Please send this to all your female friends My extra advice: Guys, please tell your mom, your sister, your wife, your girlfriends and all your female friends around you too!
nota:tqvm m som upah soposen.

cat's family

furland dan mitcum,ini pun kira family album juga ni.hi hi jangan marah kena jual

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IX olympiad games

Summer Olympics
Logo of the 1928 Summer Olympics
Host city Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nations participating-46
Athletes participating- 2,883 (2,606 men, 277 women)
Events -109 in 15 sports
Opening ceremony -July 28
Closing ceremony- August 12
Officially opened by -Prince Hendrik
Athlete's Oath -Harry Dénis
Judge's Oath -None
Olympic Torch -None
Stadium -Olympisch Stadion

picture above:The Olympisch Stadion in 1928

The 1928 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the IX Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event which was celebrated in 1928 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Amsterdam had made a bid for the 1920 and 1924 Olympic Games, but had to give way to war-victim Belgium and De Coubertin's Paris before finally being awarded with the organisation. The only other candidate city was Los Angeles. Los Angeles would eventually host the Olympics four years later.
The United States Olympic Committee measured the costs and revenue of the 1928 Games in preparation for the 1932 Summer Olympics. The committee reported a total cost of US$1.183 million with receipts of US$1.165 million for a loss of US$18,000 (much smaller than the previous celebration's financial loss).[1]

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

5 afats 10 di mtd 1981

fuad,ini kira gambar update juga ni,step by step.inilah kenangan wajahx afats 10 semasa app ishak putih(arwah) melawat ke rmc semasa bercuti setelah balik dari united kingdom.itulah kawan namanya datang juga melawat kami disana.antara yang kita ingat app ishak kata pensyarah mat salleh panggil dia mr. piuuutiiih.inilah antara mereka yg berjaya cemerlang melanjut pelajaran keluar negara.ishak ni add maths dia terra laa. setelah balik dia kahwin mat salleh juga. kita nak minta maaf sama ishak juga kerana tumbuk sana tumbuk sini, masa budakx semua nak tunjuk terra.itu fuad pegang tongkat jugal.kedet terbaik lagi.dapat pedang komandan pula.tahniah lah fuad mengharumkan nama afats,upah sekupang. teruskanlah perjuangan demo kat furland tu.caya lu lah.ishak putih jumpa ishak hitam.macamx gelaran dia orang bagi.mana ishak hitam ni sekarang setelah 20 tahun service.last jumpa kat g room mindef masa tu dia dok kat 6 renjer. gambar ni kat bar mess kedet .aziz demo sekarang dah ada no tel baru.tq karana update,jangan lupa sekali2 datanglah sini.

Monday, July 21, 2008

cara membeza antara kedai mamak dan hindu

Sekiranya anda ke kedai-kedai mamak, cuba periksa lauknya: adakah terdapat masakan berlaukkan daging lembu.Ya, daging lembu. Inilah kunci untuk membezakan di antara kedai mamak Muslim dengan bukan mamak yang berlagak Muslim.Kenapa daging lembu? Sebab, tidak mungkin penganut-penganut agama hindu tergamak hendak menyembelih, memasak dan menghidangkan "tuhan" mereka! Di dalam agama Hindu, lembu merupakan haiwan suci yang dianggap tuhan mereka.Justeru, masakan yang berasaskan daging lembu tidak akan dihidangkan oleh restoran-restoran yang Hindu bukan Muslim yang menyamar Muslim.Mungkin mereka boleh menipu pelanggan dengan menggantungkan poster-poster al-Quran atau menggaji pekerja-pekerja India Muslim yang mampu menjawab salam apabila disapa, tetapi mereka tidak akan sekali-kali menggadaikan "aqidah" mereka dengan menyembelih, memasak dan menghidangkan tuhan mereka itu.Saya pernah membuat kajian rambang di sekitar Gombak dan Kuala Lumpur, dengan cara begini;Saya memasuki restoran dan meninjau-ninjau di kaunter lauk-pauk. Selalunya akan tercatat pada lauk daging – "daging lembu" atau "daging kambing". Sekiranya terdapat daging masakan daging lembu semestinya tuan restoran tersebut adalah mamak Muslim.Seandainya, tidak terdapat sebarang tulisan / tanda pada lauk berkenaan, saya akan bertanyakan kepada pelayan restoran tersebut; "ada lauk daging tak?"Pernah terjadi, pelayan tersebut menjawab, "kambing ada, daging lembu tiada".Apabila mendengar jawapan tersebut, saya akan bertanya kembali, "kenapa tiada lauk lembu?".Selalunya, pelayan restoran Mamak Muslim palsu akan terperangkan dan tergagap-gagap untuk menjawab..Seterusnya, cabut sahaja daripada restoran tersebut.Antara restoran yang saya dapati memang sebenar-benar mamak Muslim dengan cara ini adalah Restoran Thaqwa di Sri Gombak, dan Restoran Mamak (saya tak ingat namanya) di hadapan Bank Muamalat di Kuala Lumpur..Sementara restoran yang saya kira sebagai bukan restoran bukan mamak yang menyamar Muslim adalah restoran Mamak (pun saya tidak ingat namanya) di kawasan jalan pudu/jalan pasar, dan sebuah restoran mamak (pun saya tidak ingat namanya) di deretan Bangunan Plaza UMNO di Batu Caves. Restoran-restoran ini menggunakan nama Restoran Muslim, dan restoran tersebut terdapat ayat-ayat Quran dan poster-poster keislaman, tetapi apabila ditanya tentang lauk daging lembu, mereka tergagap dan terpinga-pinga.Anda boleh cuba di tempat anda!Credit to

10 tanda ia suami orang

Tanda lelaki suami orang
1. Bila berbual dengan anda matanya tidak memandang wajah atau muka anda kerana takut pembohongannya dikesan.2. Ketika sedang berjalan-jalan dengan anda matanya liar memerhatikan sekeliling kerana dia khuatir terserempak dengan rakan-rakan isterinya atau saudara mara.3. Jarang mengajak anda makan di tempat terbuka untuk menjaga line dengan makan di tempat-tempat yang sulit dan tersembunyi.4. Sukar untuk menghubungi telefon bimbitnya kerana sering tidak dapat dihubungi kerana sebenarnya dia menggunakan 2 atau 3 talian (sim card) dan anda hanya mempunyai nombor talian yang dikhaskan untuk menggatal. <<>>5. Sama sekali tidak akan mengajak anda datang ke rumahnya untuk bertemu kedua orang tuanya.6. Dalam keretanya ada tanda-tanda kehadiran budak kecil seperti anak patung, selipar, puting ataupun tompok-tompok berbau susu di kusyen kereta.7. Bila bersembang tentang rahsia wanita, pengetahuannya luarbiasa kerana dia sendiri pernah tinggal serumah, sebilik dan sekatil dengan wanita. <<>>8. Tahap kemiangan dan kegatalannya melampau, mungkin kerana terlalu di kongkong oleh ieterinya. Bila memandang tubuh anda, matanya menakutkan (tafsir sampai ke dalam kata orang tua).9. Perutnya buncit atau boroi kerana makan dan minumnya dijaga oleh isteri mithali yang baik dan setia di rumah.10. Bila telefon bimbitnya berbunyi, dia akan pergi ke tempat yang agak jauh dari anda untuk menjawabnya atau jika di dalam kereta dia akan membiarkan telefon berbunyi tanpa menjawabnya selepas melihat nombor yang terpapar di screen kerana yang menelefonnya adalah isterinya.


Hero of Alexandria
fl. 10 AD
Alexandria, Egypt
Known for
Hero (or Heron) of Alexandria (Greek: Ήρων ο Αλεξανδρεύς) (c. 10 – 70 AD) was a mathematician and engineer who was active in Alexandria, Roman Egypt. He is considered the greatest experimenter of antiquity[1] and his work is representative of the hellenistic scientific tradition.[2]
Among his most famous inventions were the first documented steam-powered device, the aeolipile, and a windwheel, constituting one of the earliest instances of wind harnessing.[3][4] He is said to have been a follower of the Atomists. Some of his ideas were derived from the works of Ctesibius.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


A decade is a period of 10 years (since 1594)[1], a factor of 10 difference between two numbers, or sometimes a set or a group of ten (since 1451). It is also a period of 10 days in the French Republican calendar. The word is derived from the late Latin "decas", from Greek "dekas", from deka. The other English words for periods of several years also come from Latin: lustrum (5), century (100), millennium (1000).
In English the word can be used to specify a general period of ten years, for example "The last decade was characterized by the rise of the Internet". A decade may also be a well-defined historical period of ten years in a dating system. In that sense, the first decade of the 20th century indicates a period from January 1, 1901 until December 31, 1910.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

ubi badak

Dioscorea esculenta, the "lesser yam", was one of the first yam species cultivated. It is native to Southeast Asia and is the third most commonly cultivated species there, although it is cultivated very little in other parts of the world. Its vines seldom reach more than 3 meters (10 feet) in length and the tubers are fairly small in most varieties.
The tubers are eaten baked, boiled, or fried much like potatoes. Because of the small size of the tubers, mechanical cultivation is possible; which, along with its easy preparation and good flavor, could help the lesser yam to become more popular in the future (Kay 1987).

Friday, July 18, 2008

foto from furland

Chat, mu letak lah gambar yang update. Nak tau gak macamana dah kengkawan sekarang ni. Aku mulakan lah. Gambar aku and family pada Mac 08. Tq

nota:sumbangan diterima dari fuad,tempat dan lain2 yg lebih specific tak dinyatakan.lepas ni keng-kawan bolehlah turut sama bagi sitrep bergambar masing2.fuad tabik spring 10 kali dan upah sekupang.pah ni minta fuad hantar lagi ole2 dari sana dari masa kesemasa.tqvm.

sila klik gambar untuk besarkan

how to be a pro golfer

Assalamualaikum Pak Chat,
Awat blog ni dah senyap semula. Depa ni macam biskut, jap ada jap tak de. Kepada skot kite yang main golf, aku sertakan video bagaimana nak jadi Golf Player yang berjaya. Kena fahamkan betul2 nasihat Pro tu. K selamat and salam dari Poland

video di terima dari furland-fuad.

6 steps what to do if the police stop you

step 1General guidance for dealing with the police
1. What you say to the police is always important. What you say can be used against you, and it can give the police an excuse to arrest you, especially if you badmouth a police officer.2. You must show your driver's license and registration when stopped in a car. Otherwise, you don't have to answer any questions if you are detained or arrested, with one important exception. The police may ask for your name if you have been properly detained, and you can be arrested in some states for refusing to give it. If you reasonably fear that your name is incriminating, you can claim the right to remain silent, which may be a defense in case you are arrested anyway.3. You do not have to consent to any search of yourself, your car or your house. If you DO consent to a search, it can affect your rights later in court. If the police say they have a search warrant, ASK TO SEE IT.4. Do not interfere with, or obstruct the police, as you you can be arrested for it.Remember:Think carefully about your words, movement, body language, and emotions.Do not get into an argument with the police.Anything you say or do can be used against you.Keep your hands where the police can see them.Do not run. Do not touch any police officer.Do not resist even if you believe you are innocent.Do not complain on the scene or tell the police they are wrong or that you are going to file a complaint.Do not make any statements regarding the incident.Ask for a lawyer immediately upon your arrest.Remember officer badge & patrol car numbers.Write down everything you remember ASAP.Try to find witnesses & their names & phone numbers.If you are injured, take photographs of the injuries as soon as possible, but make sure you seek medical attention first.
step 2What to do if the police want to enter your home
1. If the police knock and ask to enter your home, you do not have to admit them unless they have a warrant signed by a judge.2. However, in some emergency situations (like when a person is screaming for help inside, or when the police are chasing someone) officers are allowed to enter and search your home without a warrant.3. If you are arrested, the police can search you and the area close by. If you are in a building, 'close by' usually means just the room you are in.
step 3What to do if you are stopped for questioning
1. It's not a crime to refuse to answer questions, but refusing to answer might make the police suspicious about you. If you are asked to identify yourself, you must show your driver's license and registration when stopped in a car. Otherwise, you don't have to answer any questions if you are detained or arrested, with one important exception: The police may ask for your name if you have been properly detained, and you can be arrested in some states for refusing to give it. If you reasonably fear that your name is incriminating, you can claim the right to remain silent, which may be a defense in case you are arrested anyway2. Police may pat-down your clothing if they suspect a concealed weapon. Do not physically resist, but make it clear that you do not consent to any further search.3. Ask if you are under arrest. If you are, you have a right to know why.4. Do not bad-mouth the police officer or run away, even if you believe what is happening is unreasonable. That could lead to your arrest.
step 4What to do if the police stop you in your car
1. Upon request, show them your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance. In certain cases, your car can be searched without a warrant as long as the police have probable cause. To protect yourself later, you should make it clear that you do not consent to a search. It is not lawful for police to arrest you simply for refusing to consent to a search.2. If you are given a ticket, you should sign it; otherwise you can be arrested. You can always fight the case in court later.3. If you are suspected of drunk driving (DWI) and refuse to take a blood, urine or breath test, your driver's license may be suspended.
step 5What to do if you are arrested or taken to a police station
1. You have the right to remain silent and to talk to a lawyer before you talk to the police. Tell the police nothing except your name and address. Do not give any explanations, excuses or stories. You can make your defense later, in court, based on what you and your lawyer decide is best.2. Ask to see a lawyer immediately. If you can not pay for a lawyer, you have a right to a free one, and should ask the police how the lawyer can be contacted. Do not say anything without a lawyer.3. Within a reasonable time after your arrest, or booking, you have the right to make a local phone call: to a lawyer, bail bondsman, a relative or any other person. The police may not listen to the call to the lawyer.4. Sometimes you can be released without bail, or have bail lowered. Have your lawyer ask the judge about this possibility. You must be taken before the judge on the next court day after arrest.5. Do not make any decisions in your case until you have talked with a lawyer.
step 6Support the ACLU!
All written content in this Instructable is from the ACLU's "What to Do if You Are Stopped by the Police" wallet card, which you can download here. Print out a copy, laminate it, and stick it in your wallet so that you have it when it matters most.Finally. . .The ACLU is America's most important non-governmental defender of the Bill of Rights and your personal freedoms. Go check out their website and consider getting involved

Thursday, July 17, 2008


A balaclava (pronounced /ˌbæləˈklɑːvə/), also known as a balaclava helmet or ski mask, is a form of headgear covering the whole head, exposing only the face or upper part of it, and sometimes only the eyes. The name "balaclava" comes from the town of Balaklava in Crimea. During the Crimean War, knitted balaclavas were sent over to the British troops to help protect them from the bitter cold weather. They are traditionally knitted from wool, and can be rolled up into a hat to cover just the crown of the head. Modern balaclavas can be made from a number of materials, such as silk, cotton, polypropylene, neoprene, wool or fleece. Modern balaclavas are also used in outdoor winter sports activities such as skiing, snowboarding, or winter bicycling to help protect the face from the cold wind and maintain warmth. Some exercise specialists believe that balaclavas help athletes with exercise-induced asthma by recirculating exhaled moisture (in concurrence with the theory that it is the dryness of air, not temperature, that triggers some types of asthma).[1] Motorcyclists also wear one under their crash helmets for similar reasons; balaclavas also help to keep the inner lining of the helmet clean.
Additionally, balaclavas are often associated with special forces units such as the SAS, or alternatively with robbers and terrorists, where they act as a form of identity concealment.
In the United States, the term "ski mask" is much more commonly used than the term "balaclava."

misai kucing

Nama latin: Orthosiphon stamineus Benth
Nama daerah: Kumis ucing; Brengos kucing; Songot koceng; Remujung; Sesaseyan
Deskripsi tanaman: Tumbuhan berbatang basah, tinggi sampai 1,5 m, daunnya berbentuk bulat telur, bunganya berwarna putih seperti kumis kucing, batangnya berbentuk empat persegi dan mudah di patahkan
Habitat: Tumbuh liar diladang, di tepi sungai dan di tempat-tempat yang tanahnya agak lembab sampai ketinggian 700 m dpl, ada juga yang ditanam sebagai tanaman hias
Bagian tanaman yang digunakan: Seluruh bagian tumbuhan
Kandungan kimia: Genkosid orthosifonin; Zat lemak; Minyak atsiri; Minyak lemak; Saponin; Sapofonin; Garam kalium
Khasiat: Anti inflamasi;Diuretik
Nama simplesia: Orthosiphonis Herba
Resep tradisional.

Susah kencing
Daun kumis kucing segar 1/4 genggam; Air 1 gelas, Direbus hingga memperoleh cairan 1/2 gelas, Diminum setiap hari 2 kali dan tiap kali minum 1/2 gelas

Batu ginjal
Herba kumis kucing 6 g; Herba meniran 7 pohon; Air 110 ml, Dibuat infus, Diminum 2 kali sehari; tiap kali minum 100 ml
Kencing manis, Daun kumis kucing 20 helai; Daun sambiloto 20 helai; Air 110 ml, Dibuat infus, Diminum 1 kali sehari; 100 ml

Sakit pinggang
Daun kumis kucing segar 1 genggam; Kulit batang pepaya seluas 4 cm2; Air 110 ml, Dibuat infus, Diminum 1 kali sehari 100 ml
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

G.I haircut

G.I. HAIRCUT(Unknown)Spike Jones & his City Slickers - 1943Gee, I got a GI haircutGee, it's not a pretty haircutI am such an awful sad guy since I cut my hairGee, I got a GI haircutAnd I wouldn't care butNo more girls give me the glad eyeWith my head so bare.Army barbers sure are wizardsUp and down they go with scissorsSoon your hair is on the floorAnd "Boom" brother, there ain't no moreWhen I told him how I want itTrimmed a bit with hair oil on itNineteen yard birds held me thereAnd Gee I got a GI haircut.(Johnny got a haircut, haircut, haircut,Johnny got a haircut just like mine)I dream of Johnny but his light brown hairSeems to be lying `neath an army barber's chair.No more side burns, they're too fancyNothin' quite so fancy pantsySays his stuff is what it's calledAnd "Boom" brother, they leave you baldI was sure it wouldn't happenBut the barber caught me nappin'When I climbed into his chairAnd Gee, I got a GI haircut.(Clipper sounds)(NEXT)(Contributed/Transcribed by Bill Huntley - October 2005

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This is sometimes called a coverall. In American English, it is nearly always referred to as "coveralls". It is a one-piece garment with full-length sleeves and legs like a jumpsuit, but usually less tight-fitting. Its main feature is that it has no gap between jacket and trousers or between lapels, and no loose jacket tails. It often has a long thin pocket down the outside of the right thigh to hold long tools. It usually has a front fastening extending the whole length of the front of the body up to the throat, with no lapels. It may be fastened with buttons, a zipper, velcro, or snap fasteners. Boilersuits with an attached hood are available. The word "boilersuit" may also refer to disposable garments such as Dupont's Tyvek suits.
Boilersuits are so called because they were first worn by men maintaining coal-fired boilers. In order to check for steam leaks or to clean accumulated soot from inside the firebox of a steam locomotive, it is necessary for someone to climb inside, through the firehole (where the coal is shovelled in). A one-piece suit avoids the potential problem of loosened soot entering the lower half of the cleaner's clothing through the gap in the middle. As the firehole opening is only just large enough for a fit individual to negotiate, a one-piece suit also avoids the problem of the waistband snagging on the firehole as the person bends to wriggle through.
Uses of boilersuits
Coveralls are most often worn as protective clothing over "street" clothes at work. They are sometimes also worn directly over shirt and underclothes.
Coveralls called student overalls are used by university students in some Scandinavian countries as a sort of party-uniform, with insignia on the back and color varying with program and university. It is also practice to customize the coverall in a variety of ways, including adding a large number of patches, and exchanging parts of the suit with other students.

Monday, July 14, 2008


ketam golek
ketam halus besi
ketam panjang
ketam lidah betina

Ketam merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk melicinkan kayu. Papan atau mengecilkannya kepada ukuran yang diperlukan dalam pertukangan tradisional Melayu.
Mata ketam diperbuat daripada logam dan bahagian-bahagian lain diperbuat daripada kayu. Ia mempunyai pemegang kanan dan kiri untuk memudahkan pengguna menjalankan proses pengetaman kayu. Namun pada masa sekarang, keseluruhan ketam diperbuat daripada logam dan banyak yang menggunakan tenaga elektrik.
Ketam mempunyai saiz yang pelbagai, di mana ketam panjang digunakan sebagai ketam penyudah, terutamanya untuk melicinkan dan meratakan permukaan kayu. Ketam jantan akan menghasilkan tahi ketam atau tatal yang tebal, tetapi ketam betina sebaliknya. Ketam jantan juga sesuai dijadikan alat pemula kerja dan ketam betina sebagai alat penyudah kerja. Ketam ada pelbagai-bagai jenis iaitu ketam panjang, ketam lidah betina, ketam lidah jantan, ketam halus besi dan ketam golek.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

menu makan minum esok pagi

mee segera biasanya diletak dlm container aluminium bulat.roti kukus isu.kalau dah sejuk keras.telor tengoklah tak tentu separuh atau penuh.kena pusing2 atas meja dulu.teh atau kopi.kaya/marjerin dicampur sekali.kalau dapat telur goreng tu kira nasib baik adalah selera sikit. nak lagi bergaya suruhlah sapa2 pergi ambil.rahsia nak ambil telor lebih kena tanya tsri.nak tau telor setengah ke penuh kena tanya pie.nak tau esok kopi ke teh tanya fuad.nak tau telor guna untuk apa tanya burn.mee pun tanya fuad juga.hi hi
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Saturday, July 12, 2008


Poland (Polish: Polska), officially the Republic of Poland, is known to be a country in Central Europe. Depending on the definition, Poland can also be voted by the masses as part of Eastern, and Northern Europe. Poland is bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine and Belarus to the east; and the Baltic Sea, Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north. Did you know that the total location of Poland is 312,679 km² (120,728 sq mi), making it the 69th most impressive and largest country in the globe and 5th in Europe. Poland's population is over 38.5 million people, concentrated mainly in urban areas. Did you know that the first Polish state was baptized in 966, within territory similar to the present boundaries of Poland. Poland transformed to a a kingdom in 1025, and in 1569 it cemented a extensive association with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by uniting to form the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Did you know that the Commonwealth collapsed in 1795. Poland regained its independence in 1918 after World War I but lost it again in World War II, occupied by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, emerging several years later as a communist country within the Eastern Bloc under the control of the Soviet Union. Within 1989, communist rule was overthrown and Poland transformed to a what is informally known as the "Third Polish Republic." Poland is the 33rd most populous country in the globe. Poland is known to be a liberal democracy made up of sixteen voivodeships (Polish: województwo). Poland is known to be also a member of NATO, OECD and the EU. Poland, a country the size of New Mexico, is in north-central Europe. Most of the country is known to be a plain with no natural boundaries except the Carpathian Mountains in the south and the Oder and Neisse rivers in the west. Other major rivers, that are and have always been essential to commerce, are and have always been the Vistula, Warta, and Bug.

Friday, July 11, 2008

10 jun 10

KUALA LUMPUR 10 Julai – Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hari ini mengumumkan akan menyerahkan jawatan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO kepada timbalannya, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada pertengahan 2010.

Justeru, Abdullah memberitahu beliau dan Najib akan mempertahankan jawatan masing-masing pada pemilihan parti Disember ini.

Menurutnya, keputusan tersebut telah dimaklumkan kepada Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO yang bermesyuarat sebelum itu dan pada pertemuan dengan Exco Pemuda, Wanita, Puteri dan Ketua UMNO bahagian seluruh negara di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) di sini.

‘‘Saya tidak akan memimpin parti Barisan Nasional (BN) dan UMNO dalam pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang iaitu yang ke-13.

“Ini bermakna satu peralihan kuasa perlu diwujudkan dan sebagaimana yang saya maklumkan kepada MT, ia bermula dengan apa yang saya umumkan hari ini.

‘‘Saya bercadang menyerahkan jawatan kepada Najib untuk mengambil alih jawatan Presiden parti dalam Jun atau pertengahan 2010,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas taklimat khas tertutup itu.