Friday, October 11, 2013

Sungai Buaya

Tempat berasal Sungai Buaya
Daerah Rawang Selangor negerinya
Dalam Askar Melayu taat dan setia
Sudah awam apa kabarnya
Moga sihat walafiat sentiasa
Hidup bahagia serta ceria

Friday, October 4, 2013

Caruman LTAT-530552 Ismail bin Safaii

Mohon brader yang berkenaan atau yang mengenali untuk menghubungi LTAT bagi semakan caruman LTAT.
1. 530552
2. 530600
3. 530608
4. 532097
Zulkofli Ismail (G13)
Pegawai Hal Ehwal Korporat & Pelanggan
Unit Pembayaran & Manafaat AHLI
03-21489777 ext 277

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Digestive system woes? 7 tips for healthy digestion

Digestive system woes? 7 tips for healthy digestion

 26 Aug 2013   Posted by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD  0 Comment

A smooth running digestive system relies on the right foods at the right time.

Of all our bodily functions, we probably focus more on our digestive system than any other. I'm sure one reason for this is that we have plenty of opportunities to 'touch base' with our digestive tract and take a reading. After all, you get signals from your digestive system all day long – everything from "feed me!" to "could you loosen the belt a little?" to "air comin' your way!" Your digestive system has a way of speaking up – and has a lot to say about what you put in it… as well as how much and how often.

Many of us eat too much or eat too fast. We don't eat enough fiber. We skip meals – and then subject our systems to a gigantic plate of food. Considering how much use and abuse our digestive systems have to withstand, it's a wonder we don't suffer more than we do. Gas, bloating, "having a hard time going" – not a day goes by that someone doesn't complain to me about one of these common digestive problems. Let's look at what you can do to ease any strain on your digestive system.

Common digestive system 'disturbances': gas, bloating and irregularity
Gas production is a normal part of the digestive process and, unless it's excessive, usually indicates a healthy intake of fiber and a well-functioning digestive tract. Most foods that contain carbohydrate – anything from beans to bagels – are not completely broken down during digestion, so the resident bacteria in your intestines take over, producing gas as they complete the digestive process. The average person passes gas about 14 times a day, releasing about a half-liter of gas in the process.

Some people describe feeling bloated after eating – sort of a 'puffed up' sensation that comes on rather quickly, mostly in the upper abdomen. It is often the result of air that gets trapped in your digestive tract, which can come from a surprising number of sources. Often, it's simply a matter of swallowing a lot of air while you eat – which often happens if you eat too fast or do a lot of talking while you're chewing. Sometimes carbonated beverages can leave you feeling bloated since you're taking in a lot of air along with your liquid. Some people get that bloated feeling when they eat a fatty meal – fat delays the time it takes for food to leave your stomach, so it can leave you feeling uncomfortable.

Irregularity is one of the most common digestive complaints – it's also one of the most misunderstood. Many people think if they don't visit the bathroom on a daily basis, they've got a problem. But if things are moving smoothly – whether it's three times a day or three times a week – you probably don't have anything to worry about.

My seven tips for healthy digestion
Get enough fiber
Fiber is the structural portion of a plant, so it's found in good-for-you foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Adults should be eating in the neighborhood of 30 grams of fiber a day, but the average intake among adults in the US is only about a third of that. Our busy lifestyles contribute to the problem – when we're eating on the go, we're less likely to find the fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Aim to have a fruit or vegetable with every meal or snack, toss some beans into a soup or salad, and choose whole grains over refined "white" breads, cereals, rice and pasta.

Get some "good" bacteria
Your digestive system is home to thousands of strains of beneficial bacteria that help to break down foods that are resistant to normal digestion – which allows you to obtain more nutrients from your foods. The bacteria in your system also help to keep the growth of other, potentially harmful, bacteria at bay – thus promoting healthy digestion.While the idea of consuming bacteria in the diet may not sound appealing, the probiotic bacteria found in yogurt and other fermented foods can promote digestive health. Aside from yogurt, you can pick up some of these "good" bacteria in other fermented soy products (miso, tempeh, kefir), as well as in pickled foods like cucumber pickles, sauerkraut and kimchi.

Meet your fluid needs
Fluid helps the fibers in foods to "swell" and helps to add more bulk to the material passing through the lower digestive tract, which keeps things running smoothly. Watery fruits and vegetables go a long way towards meeting fluid needs, but it's still important to drink fluids throughout the day, too.

Get regular exercise
Exercise isn't just for the muscles you can see, it's good for the smooth muscles of your digestive tract, too. Exercise stimulates the muscles to contract, which keeps things "moving along". Exercise is also a great stress-reducer – which makes it particularly good for those whose digestive systems act up when they get stressed out.

Don't go too long without eating
When you go too long without eating, a couple of things are likely to happen – you'll eat quickly because you're so hungry, and you'll eat too much because you're starving. Either way, you could end up with a touch of indigestion. Your digestive system is likely to be a lot happier if you eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day.

Take your time… making dietary changes
Often when people are bothered by gas, they figure the best thing to do is to eliminate 'gassy' foods like beans or broccoli from the diet. But rather than eliminating these healthy foods, try eating just small amounts over several days to give your system time to adjust. Similarly, if you're trying to add more fiber to your diet, work your way up to the recommended 25-30 grams of fiber gradually.

Take your time… eating and eliminating
When you eat too fast, not only does it lessen the enjoyment of your meal, but you're more likely to swallow air which can lead to gas and bloating. And, when you eat too quickly, you're more likely to overeat since it takes your stomach about 20 minutes to tell your brain that you're full… and that can lead to further digestive discomfort. Lastly, when nature calls, be sure to listen. Too many people put off visits to the restroom if the urge to "go" strikes at an inconvenient time. Sure, the urge may pass – but if you put it off, you're more likely to have trouble getting the job done.

Written by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD. Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.

« 10 tips for successful weight loss

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pendakwah terkemuka German iaitu Pierre Vogel atau nama islam nya Abu Hamza

Salah seorang wartawan bertanya kepada pendakwah terkemuka German iaitu Pierre Vogel atau nama islam nya Abu Hamza tentang kaitan antara keganasan dan Islam,beliau dengan lantang dan berani menjawab :

" Siapa yang mencetuskan Perang Dunia Pertama ? adakah orang islam?

Siapa yang mencetuskan Perang Dunia kedua? Adakah orang islam ?

Siapa pula yang telah membunuh 20 juta nyawa suku kaum Aborigine Australia?! Adakah orang Islam ?

Siapakah yang menghantar bom untuk menghancurkan Hiroshima dan Nagasaki ? Adakah
orang Islam ?.

Siapa pula yang membunuh lebih 100 juta orang Indian Amerika Utara ? adakah orang Islam ?

Dan siapa yang membunuh 50 juta orang Indian di Selatan Amerika ? Adakah orang Islam ?

siapa pula yang menjadikan seramai 180 juta orang-orang Afrika sebagai hamba dan 88% dari hamba-hamba itu mati di buang di lautan Atlantik !! adakah orang islam yang melakukan nya ??


Sebelum itu,hendaklah anda ketahui maksud ''terrorisme'' dengan baik.Kalau non muslim lakukan apa-apa kesalahan seperti diatas mereka akan di sebut sebagai penjenayah,tapi jika orang muslim yang kesalahan seumpama nya,di sifatkan sebagai pengamal terrorisme,pengganas,pemberontak !!
oleh itu anda hendaklah membuat 2 kali timbangan,anda akan tahu dan mengerti siapakah yang sebenarnya PENGGANAS / TERRORIST !''

- Pierre Vogel-


Pierre Vogel di lahirkan pada 20 Julai 1978 di Frechen.Merupakan seorang ustaz,penceramah bebas,pendakwah dan merupakan bekas peninju professional.

Pierre Vogel yang lantang bersuara ini memeluk islam pada tahun 2001 dan menukar nama nya kepa Abu Hamza dan setelah memeluk islam,beliau mempelajari agama islam, ilmu Al Quran dan kemahiran bertutur bahasa Arab di sebuah Intitusi Pengajian Islam Swasta terkemuka di Mekah iaitu di Om Al Quran.

Sekembali nya beliau ke Berlin,Jerman pada tahun 2006,beliau mengajar dan menjadi seorang guru agama di masjid Al-Nur-Moschee (mosque) Neukölln,di jemput berceramah di kuliah-kuliah Universiti bahkan berdakwah kepada penganut agama lain juga.

Pierre Vogel berkahwin dengan seorang wanita dari Maghribi dan memiliki tiga orang cahaya mata.Sepanjang perjalanan beliau berdakwah,terlalu banyak kecaman,ancaman,fitnah,kritikan yang keterlaluan,sabotaj,dan pelbagai hinaan di terima oleh beliau kerana kelantangan bersuara membela umat islam dan islam dan juga kerana dakwah beliau,namun Pierre Vogel masih bergerak aktif berdakwah dan tidak pernah berputus asa.

GAMBAR :Pierre Vogel bersama rakan-rakan bekas peninju profesional.

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Friday, August 23, 2013



berawal dari bencana banjir bandang yang terjadi di bangladesh yang menenggelamkan seorang wanita hamil yang hampir melahirkan,wanita tersebut ikut terseret oleh banjir dan terkubur di dalam tumpukan lumpur
Seteleh beberapa hari pencarian suatu keajaiban terjadi di mana perempuan yang telah mati dan terkubur didalam lumpur itu melahirkan bayinya yang menyembul di atas lumpur entah atas bantuan siapa,bayi tersebut selamat walaupun sempat beberapa hari berada di dalam rahim ibunya yang sudah mati didalam lumpur ( maha suci Allah) berikut ini adalah fotonya :