Monday, July 27, 2009
30th Week 530561 Mohd Fauzi Abdullah
Fauzi Abdullah dari Perakian
Masuk afats intake sekupang
Beliau orang kemas pakaian
Elok tutur bila bersembang
Burung helang siburung kedidi
Hinggap sebentar dipokok jati
beliau ini orang berbudi
Kicauannya sentiasa ingat dihati
Sunday, July 26, 2009
10 Biggest Future Technology
10 Biggest Future Technology
Oleh : Sirajuddin Abbas
Jangan kaget, kelak hadir kamera tembus pandang di balik tembok. Majalah New Scientist, meramalkan 10 produk masa depan
Percayakah Anda? TV masa depan selain bersuara, berwarna, juga bisa beraroma. Otak manusia membagi aroma menjadi 30 lebih jenis, misalnya aroma kayu, aroma bunga, aroma rumput dan lain sebagainya. Itulah perkembangan produk teknologi di masa depan.
Majalah Inggris, New Scientist, sebagaimana dikutip Epoch Times, Selasa, 3 Februari 2009, meramalkan akan hadirnya 10 produk iptek besar yang diharapkan terjadi dalam 30 tahun ke depan. , dari ruang laboratorium melangkahkan kakinya ke rumah Anda, menjadi produk umum seperti halnya handphone (HP).
Ke-10 iptek besar tersebut termasuk alat pendeteksi tembus dinding, mantel penyirna tubuh ala Harry Potter, peralatan panjat dinding ala spiderman yang membuat orang mampu memanjat dinding, pesawat terbang pribadi super, pesawat antariksa pribadi dan TV yang dapat menebarkan aroma dan lain-lain.
Ada yang berpendapat ramalan tersebut terlalu muluk-muluk, betul-betul sulit dipercaya. Namun coba kita kilas balik ke-30 tahun yang lampau, pada 1979 tatkala perusahaan Jepang, NET berhasil mengembangkan HP internet pertamanya di seluruh dunia, banyak orang masih mengira berjalan sambil berbicara di telepon adalah hal yang mustahil, tetapi bagi manusia zaman sekarang HP telah menjadi barang bawaan yang harus ada. Seiring dengan perkembangan iptek, siapa bilang impian tersebut tak dapat menjadi kenyataan?
Harian Daily Mail Inggris dengan rinci menjelaskan “10 produk iptek besar masa depan” sebagai berikut:
1. Dinamo dari tubuh manusia
Nyaris setiap orang zaman sekarang memiliki HP, iPod dan alat elektronik lainnya, akan tetapi berbicara dengan HP dan mendengarkan iPod agak lama sedikit begitu baterai habis padahal kita sedang di luar, tentu tak dapat mengisi ulang, lantas bagaimana?
Andaikan saja dari pergerakan tubuh manusia bisa setiap saat di-pergunakan untuk pembangkit listrik, betapa bagusnya hal itu!
Kini ilmuwan di laboratorium sudah merealisir harapan tersebut. Wang Zhonglin seorang ilmuwan keturunan Tionghoa dari Politeknik Georgia, AS, menggunakan teknik Nano dan Piezoelectrik effect guna membangkitkan listrik. Dia berhasil membuat semacam pakaian serat fiber berdinamo dari bahan campuran serat logam super halus. Setiap kali fiber ditekan atau ditekuk, bisa menghasilkan aliran listrik. Yang disebut dengan Piezoelectrik effect adalah ketika materi tertentu tatkala menerima tekanan bisa menghasilkan listrik.
Wang Zhonglin menggunakan benang nano yang dibuat dari Zinc Oxyd (seng oksida) dibungkus dengan seuntai serat tenun. Sewaktu orang mengenakan pakaian semacam ini, asalkan terhembus angin atau gerak sedikit saja sudah cukup membuat pakaian tersebut menghasilkan Listrik.
Dewasa ini teknik tersebut masih dalam tahapan percobaan di laboratorium, menanti sesudah teknik semakin matang, maka orang-orang bisa setiap saat mencharge Hp ataupun iPodnya.
2. Alat pengintai tembus dinding
Di dalam dongeng dewa atau manusia super pasti memiliki daya pandang tembus, bisa melihat benda di balik dinding, melihat suasana di belakang dinding. Tetapi kini para ilmuwan menggunakan gelombang radio dan telah merealisir impian ini.
Perusahaan konsultan iptek Cambridge – Inggris menggunakan gelombang radio yang memiliki keistimewaan bisa menembus benda padat, telah menciptakan sistem pengintai sinar X hanya sebesar tas kantor.
Prism 200, nama peralatan ini bisa memancarkan semacam gelombang pulsa ultra wide band, bisa menembus dinding atau materi setebal 40 cm, mendeteksi segala gerakan dalam radius 15 meter, dapat membantu pihak kepolisian sewaktu dalam pengepungan penculik dan mampu mendeteksi posisi penyandera dan korban yang disandera di dalam ruangan.
Peneliti Universitas Teknik Munich Jerman telah menciptakan semacam peralatan, yang meskipun tersekat oleh pintu, asalkan meluncurkan semacam gelombang radio antara 433 MHz dan 24.000 MHz, maka bisa mendeteksi pernafasan dan detak jantung dan gerakan minim dari balik pintu.
3. Memanjat dinding dan Qinggong (ilmu meringankan tubuh)
Spiderman di dalam film, mampu memanjat dinding dan berlompatan di atas atap gedung pencakar langit. Kini selingan di kala senggang ini sudah dipergunakan oleh ilmuwan dengan menggunakan semacam peralatan perekat kuat untuk merealisasi perlawanan terhadap gravitasi. Para ilmuwan memperoleh inspirasi ini dari prinsip anatomi kaki cecak.
Cecak bisa merayap di dinding berkat mengandalkan 2 juta batang rambut pada setiap kakinya, yang menimbulkan listrik mikro elektrostatik dan membentuk sebuah daya rekat yang sangat kuat.
Andre Geim, peneliti dari Universitas Manchaster, Inggris telah merencana semacam materi tiruan bulu cecak, hanya sebesar 1 cm2, dikenakan pada sarung tangan dan sepatu, dan bisa menopang bobot 1 kg.
Nicola Pugno, peneliti politeknik Universitas Turin Italia merangkap teknologi Nano, telah membuat satu pasang sarung tangan yang masing-masing mampu menahan bobot 10 kg. seiring dengan perbaikan teknis, impian indah masyarakat penggemar spiderman dapat menjadi sepertinya tak lama lagi bisa direalisir.
4. Insang buatan
Umat manusia bila meninggalkan oksigen maka tak mampu mempertahankan eksistensinya, sewaktu menyelam udara dimampatkan dari dalam tabung, kalau terpakai habis maka harus naik ke tepi, tak mampu seperti cerita ikan duyung yang bisa hidup di daratan maupun menyelam di dasar laut. Namun begitu manusia dapat mencipta insang buatan, di masa depan, berkelana di dasar lautan sudah bukan masalah lagi.
Fuji Systems, Jepang, membuat insang buatan dari membran silikon, udara bisa menembusnya tapi cairan tak dapat, bisa memfilter oksigen di dalam air, bersamaan itu membuang CO2, persis seperti insang ikan. Pada 2002, ada penyelam yang berhasil mengenakan insang buatan berada di dasar air selama 30 menit.
Tetapi oleh karena di dalam air laut hanya terdapat 1,5% oksigen, sedangkan oksigen yang disiapkan insang buatan terlalu minim, tidak mencukupi kebutuhan nafas manusia. Ilmuwan Israel memakai baterai menggerakkan mesin sentrifugal berkecepatan tinggi, sesudah mengurangi tekanan air laut bisa membebaskan lebih banyak oksigen, tetapi bagi penyelam, walau tak perlu lagi membawa tabung oksigen, tetapi masih perlu menggendong aki dan alat pengukur pengurang tekanan.
5. Alat penterjemah langsung
Perusahaan SRI, AS, pernah mengembangkan sebuah software pengenal suara IraqComm dan penerjemahan kepada tentara pendudukan AS di Iraq, di saat bicara bahasa Arab dan diarahkan ke mikrofon, komputer dengan segera menerjemahkannya ke bahasa Inggris dan melafalkan bahasa terjemahannya.
Ilmuwan di Universitas Carnegie Mellon Pittsburg, AS, sedang membuat sistem serupa dinamakan Speechalator, bisa digunakan pada palm sized note book dan PDA. Meskipun dewasa ini daya perbendaharaan- katanya terbatas, namun bantuan komunikasi IraqComm bagi tentara AS dan orang Iraq sangat besar.
6. Mantel penyirna tubuh
Manusia dalam melihat suatu benda adalah karena benda tersebut telah menghalangi lewatnya gelombang cahaya. Jikalau pada benda tersebut diliputi satu lapis materi spesial yang mengandung Refractive index negative, secara teoritis bisa membuat cahaya tanpa hambatan meneruskan maju ke depan, dengan demikian benda tersebut secara visual sudah lenyap.
Kini standar iptek belum bisa membuat orang menghilang tetapi sangat mungkin merencanakan sebuah mantel penyirna tubuh. Tahun yang lalu Universitas Duke, AS, menyatakan bisa membuat metamaterials yang bisa membelokkan cahaya, bahan penyirna semacam ini dibuat dari sejumlah besar bahan sintetis yang menyerupai fiber glass dan dibentuk dengan sistem susunan mendatar, bisa membalikkan gelombang elektromagnetik, dengan melalui mengubah sorotan cahaya untuk menyembunyikan benda.
Dewasa ini peneliti dengan sukses memperluas area wilayah yang bisa menghadang gelombang cahaya, meningkatkan dengan tajam kemampuan menutupi benda. Metamaterials selain bisa dibuatkan mantel penyirna tubuh, juga bisa dipergunakan di optical fiber communication, dibuat speed fiber optic diperkirakan bisa meningkatkan minimal 10 kali lipat kecepatan on line dewasa ini.
7. Pesawat terbang pribadi
Pesawat terbang dipandang oleh banyak ilmuwan sebagai model iptek moderen. Tanpa pesawat, bisakah manusia terbang ke langit?
Pada 1920 telah dikembangkan pesawat terbang pribadi, sampai tahun 60-an, ada yang merancang pesawat pribadi yang mampu terbang 30 detik. Hingga 2008, Martin Jetpack yang dirancang oleh perusahaan pesawat Martin, Selandia Baru, membuat pesawat pribadi tidak lagi bagian dari komik fiksi iptek.
Martin Jetpack menyediakan dua starter Turbojet engine, digerakkan memakai bensin, satu gallon bensin cukup untuk 30 menit terbang, sekitar 50 km jauhnya. Selain itu pesawat dilengkapi juga dengan parasut, tak perlu takut jika mengalami kerusakan.
Harga jual pesawat tersebut adalah US$ 100.000, diprediksi paling cepat semester kedua tahun ini sudah bisa dipasarkan.
8. Pesawat antariksa pribadi
Selain pesawat pribadi, ada orang yang ingin memiliki pesawat antariksa pribadi, setiap saat bisa melayang ke ruang angkasa untuk menikmati indahnya bulan dan bintang. Pada umumnya mahalnya pesawat antariksa ada pada bahan bakarnya. Biasanya meluncurkan satu kali roket, harus merogoh biaya BBM sebesar US$ 100 juta. Insinyur AS, Leik Myrabo ternyata memiliki ide baru yakni tanpa penggunaan BBM.
Myrabo senantiasa berupaya pada penelitian gelombang mikro. Ia merencanakan penggunaan laser permukaan ditembakkan ke arah bagian dasar pesawat antariksa berbobot ringan, bisa menimbulkan Explosive plasma, sehingga melontarkan pesawat antariksa ke atas. Diprediksi pada 2025, modal dengan cara baru ini hanyalah 1/1000 daripada yang sekarang.
9. Alat terapi ultrasonic mini/jinjing
Di dalam cerita silat, orang yang berilmu tinggi bisa menyembuhkan orang lain dengan metode memancarkan tenaga dalam. Kalangan kedokteran sudah jauh hari menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik guna pemeriksaan kondisi perempuan hamil, namun dewasa ini menggunakan ultrasonik untuk penyembuhan, juga telah menjadi cara operasi baru.
Lawrence Crum, professor Universitas Washington, AS, yang telah sukses mengembangkan semacam peralatan terapi ultrasonik jinjing, melalui ultrasonik yang membebaskan ultrasonik berenergi rendah, kondisi pembuluh darah yang terluka oleh gelombang ultrasonik jikalau ditemukan pembuluh darah terdapat gejala berdarah, alat tersebut membebaskan lagi ultrasonik energi tinggi untuk menimbulkan panas tinggi dan memampatkan pembuluh darah. Ia tahun ini bisa melakukan uji klinis terhadap peralatan terapinya.
10. Bau sebagai pengontrol TV
Jauh pada akhir 1990 sudah ada perusahaan yang pada tahap awal berhasil meneliti teknik bebauan sintetis, mampu membuat hampir semua aroma yang ditemui setiap hari. Tetapi pada TV seiring dengan perubahan gambar, bagaimana mencegah aroma yang berbeda tidak tercampur dan berubah ke jenis aroma lainnya, serta bagaimana menangkal bau yang tak mau lenyap yang belum sinkron dengan gambar ditampilkan.
Metode perusahaan Xin Li, Jepang ialah menghindari hidung, namun langsung menyerang bagian otak. Di dalam hak ciptanya, Xin Li menggunakan ultrasonik langsung merangsang bagian tertentu pada otak manusia, membuat penonton atau pemain toy mengira mengendus aroma tertentu. Namun teknik tersebut masih sangat primitif, jalan ke masa depan masih agak panjang.
Dicatat oleh DRS. KHALIL IDHAM LIM di 4:52 PM
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kisah yang terjadi dalam mesyuarat di sebuah kampung.
Ada seorang lelaki tua memiliki hobi memelihara burung.
Dia memelihara banyak jenis burung.
Pada suatu pagi, semua burung kesayangannya telah hilang.
Oleh kerana dia merasakan perbuatan pencuri itu keterlaluan, maka dia telah membawa usul tersebut ke dalam mesyuarat di kampungnya.
Lelaki tua: Siapa di sini yang ada burung?
Seluruh penduduk laki-laki pun berdiri.
Menyedari kesalahannya dalam bertanya, lelaki itu menambah:
“Bukan itu maksud saya. Maksud saya ialah siapa yang pernah lihat burung?”
Seluruh penduduk wanita pula berdiri.
Menyedari pertanyaannya masih tidak tepat, dengan muka merah padam dia menyambung:
“Maaf, bukan itu maksud saya.”
Sekali lagi dia bertanya.
“Maksud saya, siapa di antara anda di sini yang pernah lihat burung yang bukan milik sendiri?”
Separuh penduduk wanita berdiri.
Muka lelaki tua itu makin merah. Dia semakin bengang!!!
“Maaf sekali lagi, bukan itu yang saya maksudkan. Maksud saya adalah, siapa yang pernah lihat burung saya?”
Isteri lelaki itu pun pun berdiri dan diikuti oleh seorang wanita lain.
Kali ini muka isteri lelaki tua itu menjadi merah padam.
Lelaki itu pun terus melarikan diri.
Menyesal dia bertanya!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
29th Week 530560 Nasaruddin Ismail
Brader Nasaruddin orang Kelantan
Kampung berasal tidak diketahui
Demo dulu terkenal sesama rakan
Sekarang kat mana apakah dalam negeri
Lepas afats masuk kedet
Lepas kedet pi Askar Melayu
Law ni apa yang dibuat
Kita disini nak juga tau
Masa afats cergas berlatih
Tak kira malam dan siang
Awal bulan banyaklah pitih
Kook house pun kurang dipandang
Ke Negara Jepun menuntut ilmu
Terkenal dengan matahari terbit
Masa diafats dikenang tidaklah jemu
Tiga tahun merasa manis dan pahit
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
Tora! Tora! Tora! was an evenhanded look at the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that brought the U.S. firmly into World War II. It presented a detailed account of the planning and execution of the attack from both the Japanese and American perspectives. It is a straight-forward narrative of the attack and as such has suffered criticism for being too much like a documentary. Such criticism was muted, however, with the release of Pearl Harbor in 2003, a dubious "Hollywood" effort that suffers greatly in comparison. The aerial action was filmed on location in Hawaii, using many of the sites of the original attack, though scenes at Hickam AFB were somewhat limited due to the heavy airlift activity underway in support of the Vietnam War.
Jack Canary headed a team that created dozens of Japanese Zeros, Kates, and Vals by drastically rebuilding T-6s and BT-13s, while a pair of P-40s were sufficient to provide the meager Air Corps response. Dozens of full-scale fiberglass P-40s were built, using metal frames, C-45 wings, P-40 landing gears, with several of the mock P-40s also equipped with running Allison engines for taxi scenes. These P-40s served as targets during the attacks. Naval Air was represented by several PBYs and a fiberglass Kingfisher mounted on the replicated USS Arizona destroyed during filming.
The B-17 footage represented a fairly minor part of the story, that of the ill-timed arrival of elements of the 7th and 19th Bomb Groups during the Japanese attack. As part of the effort to reinforce the Philippine Islands, two reconaissance squadrons were in the process of being deployed to Clark Field. Those B-17s that arrived during the raid were planning a fuel stop at Hickam after a long overnight ferry flight from Hamilton Field, California. Twelve B-17s, a mixture of Cs, Ds, and the new Es, actually did arrive pretty much as depicted in the film, short of fuel and unarmed, their defensive guns useless without ammunition (not aboard the airplanes to allow more fuel to be carried). The B-17s scattered across Oahu, trying to avoid attacking Japanese fighters and desperate American aircraft gunners shooting at anything in the air, the B-17s being the biggest targets presented. All of the B-17s landed successfully, but several were subsequently destroyed during strafing attacks
Hired to provide the B-17s for the filming was Aircraft Specialties of Mesa, Arizona, with its five air tanker B-17F and B-17Gs painted in Air Corps camouflage olive drab and medium grey, turrets bolted to the fuselage and Air Corps (oversized) markings added. Aircraft Specialties also was hired to provide the B-17 crews and aircraft maintenance to the entire Tora air force. The filming was scheduled between December 1968 and May 1969, during the off season of fire fighting, and all five B-17s arrived safely from the mainland in late January or early February 1969. The B-17s appear in ground shots but the interesting scenes show the B-17s in formation over Oahu and then circling over Wheeler AFB as they prepare to land. There are numerous interesting B-17 scenes in the film, one of a dramatic go around from a landing approach, the pilot pulling the B-17 through a tight climbing turn to escape a fighter attack.
No doubt the most exciting B-17 footage was the one-wheel landing, a scene not planned for the film but only occurring after one B-17 crew could not get the right main landing gear to extend for landing. The unplanned "opportunity" was siezed upon, with movie cameras being set up to record the crash landing. A large smoke generator was set up, and the scene is quite dramatic as the B-17 appears through a wall of smoke, the right gear obviously not extended. The Fortress glides to a landing, and then the right wing settles to the runway with the resultant propeller crunches of number 3 and 4 engines as the airplane swings around it right wing tip in a staggering ground loop.
Monday, July 20, 2009
10 August-15, 1945 JAPAN SURRENDERS
(August 10-15, 1945)
Events: Dawn of the Atomic Era, 1945
Prior to the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, elements existed within the Japanese government that were trying to find a way to end the war. In June and July 1945, Japan attempted to enlist the help of the Soviet Union to serve as an intermediary in negotiations. No direct communication occurred with the United States about peace talks, but American leaders knew of these maneuvers because the United States for a long time had been intercepting and decoding many internal Japanese diplomatic communications. From these intercepts, the United States learned that some within the Japanese government advocated outright surrender. A few diplomats overseas cabled home to urge just that.
From the replies these diplomats received from Tokyo, the United States learned that anything Japan might agree to would not be a surrender so much as a "negotiated peace" involving numerous conditions. These conditions probably would require, at a minimum, that the Japanese home islands remain unoccupied by foreign forces and even allow Japan to retain some of its wartime conquests in East Asia. Many within the Japanese government were extremely reluctant to discuss any concessions, which would mean that a "negotiated peace" to them would only amount to little more than a truce where the Allies agreed to stop attacking Japan. After twelve years of Japanese military aggression against China and over three and one-half years of war with the United States (begun with the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor), American leaders were reluctant to accept anything less than a complete Japanese surrender.
negotiated settlement. Next came the virtually simultaneous arrival of news of the Soviet declaration of war on Japan of August 8, 1945, and the atomic bombing of Nagasaki of the following day. Another Imperial Council was held the night of August 9-10, and this time the vote on surrender was a tie, 3-to-3. For the first time in a generation, the emperor (right) stepped forward from his normally ceremonial-only role and personally broke the tie, ordering Japan to surrender. On August 10, 1945, Japan offered to surrender to the Allies, the only condition being that the emperor be allowed to remain the nominal head of state.
Planning for the use of additional nuclear weapons continued even as these deliberations were ongoing. On August 10, Leslie Groves reported to the War Department that the next bomb, another plutonium weapon, would be "ready for delivery on the first suitable weather after 17 or 18 August." Following the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only two targets remained from the original list: Kokura Arsenal and the city of Niigata. Groves therefore requested that additional targets be added to the target list. His deputy, General Kenneth Nichols, suggested Tokyo. Truman, however, ordered an immediate halt to atomic attacks while surrender negotiations were ongoing. As the Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace recorded in his diary, Truman remarked that he did not like the idea of killing "all those kids."
attempted a more general military coup in order to seize power and continue the war. Other elements of the Japanese military remained loyal to the emperor. The Minister of War, General Anami Korechika, personally supported continuing the war, but he also could not bring himself to openly rebel against his emperor. The strength of his dilemma was such that he opted for suicide as the only honorable way out. In the end, his refusal to assist the coup plotters was instrumental in their defeat by elements within the military that remained loyal to the emperor.
On August 15, 1945, the emperor's broadcast announcing Japan's surrender was heard via radio all over Japan. For most of his subjects, it was the first time that they had ever heard his voice. The emperor explained that "the war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage," and that "the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb." Over the next few weeks, Japan and the United States worked out the details of the surrender, and on September 2, 1945, the formal surrender ceremony took place on the deck of the U.S.S. Missouri.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
10 cool things about Japan
10 cool things about Japan
1) Though Japan is a very densely populated country, riding the trains and walking the streets is not stressful, as people are calm and well-ordered.
2) Shop assistants arrange your change on both hands for you to check before closing it into your palm.
3) Japan is train heaven, there more train types, more lines and more destinations than you could ever imagine, and they're reasonably priced and easy to use.
4) In Yoyogi park you'll see way out Japanese youth with weird outfits and dyed hair, proving that Japan is not as conformist as you might think.
5) On the Bullet Train, when the ticket inspector enters every carriage, he takes off his hat and bows to the passengers.
6) Japan is toy heaven. Toy shops have an astounding range of products from tiny food miniatures to full size robots.
7) On the Tokyo Metro you see grown men reading manga comics.
8) In Tokyo you can go from the future at Akihabara Electric City to the ancient past at Toshogu Shrine in Ueno park in the space of 15 minutes.
9) The Tokyo Metro looks like multicolour spaghetti, but it's easy to find your way around because all lines and stations are numbered.
10) Some of the taxis in Tokyo have a Japanese lantern style rooftop light with the company name and taxi number.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
28th Week 530559 Abu Zahrem bin Che Daud
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
We stayed in Playa Dorada (different area I know) and there were mosquitos everywhere. I never usually get bitten but last year I got eaten alive!
If I was you I would take them.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
10 Tan Sri, Datuk nikah di selatan Thai
KANGAR 9 Ogos - Sekurang-kurangnya 10 orang kenamaan berstatus Tan Sri dan Datuk di negara ini pernah bernikah di selatan Thailand dalam tempoh dua tahun sejak 2003.
Pemangku Pendaftar Mahkamah Syariah Perlis, Zaini Abdul Rahim berkata, kebanyakan mereka bernikah di negara jiran bagi tujuan poligami dan mengelak daripada pengetahuan isteri pertama.
Golongan kenamaan itu, kata beliau, pada awalnya tidak menggunakan status Datuk atau Tan Sri pada borang pernikahan bagi menjaga nama dan kedudukan mereka.
``Status mereka bagaimanapun berjaya dikesan apabila berlaku sesuatu kes yang mengheret mereka ke mahkamah,'' katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di sini hari ini.
Zaini yang juga Hakim Mahkamah Rendah Syariah negeri memberitahu, pihaknya percaya bilangan orang kenamaan yang bernikah di selatan Thailand melebihi 10 orang kerana ada di kalangan mereka mendaftarkan semula pernikahan di negeri lain selain Perlis.
``Bilangan 10 orang itu diketahui apabila salah seorang pasangan itu mendaftarkan semula pernikahan di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah di sini,'' jelasnya.
Menurutnya, sebahagian daripada Datuk dan Tan Sri yang bernikah di selatan Thailand dikatakan membayar sehingga RM5,000 kepada broker tertentu untuk menjalankan proses pernikahan.
Meskipun golongan Datuk dan Tan Sri berkedudukan tinggi dan dianggap terpelajar dalam masyarakat, jelasnya, mereka sering `terpedaya' dengan broker yang mahu mencari keuntungan semata-mata.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
27th week 530558 Khadari Yaakob
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Top 10 Weight Loss Myths
Losing weight – and most if it should be fat – is important for people who are overweight, in terms of body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. It is also important for athletes, bodybuilders and recreational body shapers who want to get rid of those last few pounds.
With weight loss, it seems as if everyone has an angle, but most strategies are useless or insignificant.
Weight Loss Basics
What works for weight loss is to burn more calories in physical activity than you consume in food calories -- an excess of energy used compared to energy consumed. If you doubt this in any way, consider what happens to people on starvation diets in prison or who’ve been lost at sea or in the wilderness for many weeks or months with insufficient food. The body eventually uses all stored forms of energy, including muscle, to support itself for as long as possible. Then you die, mostly in a skeletal state.But during weight loss (intentional or not), the body does try to prevent this happening — and this is a survival mechanism developed over several millions years of human evolution — by lowering its energy-burning rate in response to low-calorie consumption. The human body makes changes in all sorts of ways to adjust to changing circumstances. This is called “homeostasis.”
Variations exist in how much weight individuals can lose in response to diet and exercise, but in the end, changing energy balance is the only major thing that matters. I make this point because trivial approaches such as drinking green tea or eating chili peppers or drinking coffee (caffeine) or taking some herbal supplement or other may have a very small effect on fat loss that could easily be negated by the body adjusting to that challenge over time by altering its metabolism. Consistent deficits in energy intake and expenditure over months and years is what you need to concentrate on.
Here are 10 weight loss approaches that could waste your time:
1. Eat According to Your Metabolic Type
The origin of this idea in the modern diet business can be traced to The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott and Trish Fahey. The general idea dates from the 1970s and perhaps even before that.The premise is that we all have a “metabolic type” — an individual metabolism that can be manipulated by dietary choices. According to this, we all fall into three metabolic types. And how do you know your metabolic type? Usually, the practitioners of metabolic type diets ask you a range of questions about your body shape, natural food choices, energy levels and many other things. Some may charge for blood or urine tests.
No doubt, you will soon be offered a genetic test that is supposed to identify your best nutrition and training habits based on your genes, which, presumably, create your metabolic type. Already similar services are being promoted to health and fitness enthusiasts — for a fee of course.
There is no evidence that metabolic types have any validity for weight management or fitness training, including weight training. Our genes can influence how our bodies works, but genes are not faultless determinants of physical function — or behavior for that matter. Genes interact with the environment, in this case, with food and physical activity. The idea that we have a metabolic type that reacts rigidly to diet in a certain way because of a genetic component is false, or at least only partly true. Food and exercise are just as likely to change the way these genes function as genes are to demand certain foods for health, perhaps even more likely.
2. Don’t Eat Carbohydrates Because They Turn to Fat
This one still persists, even after all the debunking that has been done. It is a persistent myth of misplaced emphasis that derives from the low-carb diet movement. First, some carbohydrates can be converted to fat and stored, but this is only significant if you overeat. Fructose in corn syrup and cane sugar is more likely to do this than glucose from starches, such as grains.Second, even if some carbohydrate turns to fat, it is not permanently enshrined in some fat larder on your hips, legs, belly, arms and butt until the end of history. Mostly, you can burn it off just like you can burn off dietary fat that is eaten and stored. What matters is the total calories you consume and the energy calories you expend.
3. Eat Foods that Boost Metabolism or Decrease Appetite
While it is true that chemical substances, such as amphetamines, boost metabolism so that you burn more calories and this helps you with weight loss, amphetamines are powerful substances and few naturally occurring herbs or extracts have this type of effect. Or, if they do, products, such as ephedra, may not be safe for casual consumption. The FDA says ephedra is unsafe.Other plant-derived substances touted as useful weight loss supplements are caffeine, capsaicin (chili), green tea, hoodia and many others sold as natural remedies. Some, such as hoodia, are supposed to be appetite suppressants.
The main issue with these weight loss solutions is that they aren’t solutions. Some may provide a small benefit, but mostly they cost you extra money and distract from the main game, which is getting your food intake and exercise plan working for you over the long term. There’s no harm in consuming coffee, chili and green tea as part of a normal diet. Spending big on supplements or exotic herbs for this purpose is bound to disappoint you if you don’t address the major factors in weight management.
4. Negative Calorie Foods Can Help You Lose Weight
This one is only for the very naïve. The idea that certain foods use more energy in digestion than they contain in calories is not to be believed, especially when lists of such foods includes fruits that contain significant calories in natural sugars.If you eat a diet of green leafy vegetables and fruit, you probably will lose weight, but that’s because, overall, you will have reduced your calorie intake substantially. Try the Calorie-Count database to see how many calories are in various foods.
5. You Can Spot-Reduce Body Fat
This one is easy. No, you can’t. Spot reducing means targeting a particular body region for preferential fat removal, for example, doing crunches to rid your abdominals of extra fat. What you feel when you are doing crunches is muscle contraction and fatigue. The effort (energy expenditure) to create this is distributed across the body by increased heart rate, blood distribution and lung activity.6. You Should Do Low-to-Moderate Intensity Exercise to Burn Fat
Low-intensity exercise burns more fat than glucose (blood sugar) as a percentage of total energy, and high-intensity exercise burns more glucose than fat. Even so, the total energy expended for a given time period is more important, because you can still burn fat at high intensity, even though the percentage of the total may be lower.In addition, when you burn glucose doing high-intensity exercise, such as running fast or hard weight training, you empty your blood, liver and muscles of glucose, which then stimulates fat burning when you’re not exercising. You don’t have to exercise at a low-intensity to burn fat. Fat-burning “zones” were invented to sell treadmills and stationary cycles with electronic displays.
7. Low-Carb Diets Have a Metabolic Advantage
Just about all well-designed scientific studies on low-carb diets say that there is no such thing. Theoretically, diets with more protein should have a slight advantage, because protein makes you feel fuller, and it also takes a bit more energy to digest. This is a modest advantage, though, and likely to be insignificant in the long term, which is what 12-month comparison studies of low-carb diets have shown.Low-carb diets may indeed be more effective for some people in the short term, but it will be because they impose calorie restriction on the dieter rather than providing any special fat-burning advantage.
8. Eat Many Small Meals Rather Than Three Big Meals
Many small meals, as opposed to three main meals, is supposed to enhance weight loss by making you feel full for longer. In a technical sense, this is supposed to prevent blood glucose from dipping low in between meals, which may cause you to become hungry and overeat during the next main meal.Like many of the myths about fat loss, there is strong acceptance of this premise on many health and fitness sites. Weight trainers and body builders tend to be strong supporters of this idea. The problem is, there is no substantial evidence that it works. Even though a few early studies reported benefits, more recent evaluation has not found solid evidence to support this idea.
In fact, increased meal frequency may lower the “thermic effect of food,” which is the energy required to digest food. This would theoretically result in just the opposite of the outcome anticipated by the “small meal” supporters, showing a comparative increase in weight.
Even so, this idea is not as outlandish as some of the others, and more research may make the picture clearer. For now, though, you should not consider smaller, more frequent meals for weight loss as providing an advantage.
9. Weight Training is Superior to Cardio for Weight Loss
Generalizations such as these mean very little unless you measure the energy expenditure related to each activity. High-intensity activity will burn more energy than low-intensity activity during and also after exercise — the afterburn effect. High-intensity cardio would burn more calories than low- or moderate-intensity weight training. Actually, cardio generally burns more calories per unit of time, because the activity is constant, whereas weight training is intermittent, even though usually of higher intensity for short periods of time.The best strategy is to do both cardio and weight training.
10. You Can Burn More Fat Exercising on an Empty Stomach
You probably can burn a lot of fat this way because fat is a preferred fuel when blood glucose is low after you have not eaten for a while. You will then go home, though, and eat a large meal to refuel, and you will burn less fat, because glucose will be replenished in the blood and liver. Over the course of 24 hours, you will have periods of preferential fat and glucose burning for energy, in different proportions. It balances out.Blood glucose is low on an empty stomach when fasting -- first thing in the morning for example -- but you still need some glucose when you exercise. If you don’t eat before a workout session, you risk muscle protein being converted to glucose to maintain a critical level of blood glucose. It’s best not to do hard training on an empty stomach. A piece of toast or energy bar or fruit juice or sports drink is probably enough to give your blood glucose a little boost before you work out, which should prevent you using muscle for energy and still allow good workout energy expenditure.
Bellisle F, McDevitt R, Prentice AM. Meal frequency and energy balance. Br J Nutr. 1997 Apr;77 Suppl 1:S57-70. Review.
Foster GD, Wyatt HR, Hill JO, et al. A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. N Engl J Med. 2003 May 22;348(21):2082-90.
Tai MM, Castillo P, Pi-Sunyer FX. Meal size and frequency: effect on the thermic effect of food. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991 Nov;54(5):783-7.
Taylor MA, Garrow JS. Compared with nibbling, neither gorging nor a morning fast affect short-term energy balance in obese patients in a chamber calorimeter. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Apr;25(4):519-28.
Monday, July 6, 2009
10 Food Side Effects You May Not Know
When you feel like eating something, what comes to mind first? For me it's the purely the taste. Then my inner-brain kicks in and thoughts of portion size, calories, fats, & sugars, slowly convince me to make a smart choice.
Weight gain aside, I would rarely think of any other complications or side effects the food may cause. Side effects are attributed to medications or medical procedures, but not food, right? Well, guess again. Turns out, the food we eat may also cause side effects. Some side effects are serious, some are disturbing, and some may put you into embarrassing situation.
Here is a list of 10 common side effects caused by the food we eat:
1. Body Odor. Researchers found that red meat consumption negatively influences on body odor [1].
2. Acne. Foods that are high in saturated fat and trans fatty acids increase the sebum production in the body, which in turn increases acne. Researchers suggest that there is a positive association between milk consumption and acne.
3. Allergy. Allergy is a number one foods side effect. In theory, any food can cause an allergy. But in fact there are 8 foods to blame for 90% of allergic reactions to food: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (including Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts), fish, shellfish, soy and wheat.
4. Candidiasis (Yeast infection). Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the normal yeast in the body, so foods that affect the yeast levels may contribute to a yeast infection. These foods are: sugars, vinegar, starches, refined carbohydrates, yeast and yeast containing products.
5. Heartburn and Acid Reflux. There is a relatively long list of foods that cause heartburn. Some foods cause the lower esophageal sphincter - a muscle that helps to keep stomach contents out of the esophagus - to become weaker, and some cause the stomach to produce more acid than usual. Both of these problems can increase acid reflux. Most common food triggers for heartburn are citrus fruits, fried and fatty foods, vinegar, tomatoes, chocolate.
6. High Cholesterol (Hyperlipidemia). Cholesterol is found mostly in animal foods. Consumption of cholesterol-rich foods can elevate blood cholesterol level, which may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. High cholesterol foods are: brains (beef, pork, lamb), eggs, organ meat (liver, kidneys, spleen).
7. Kidney stones. People whose diets are high in animal protein and low in fiber and fluids may be at higher risk for stones. Several studies have shown that increasing dietary calcium and restricting salt, animal protein, and foods rich in oxalate, such as rhubarb, spinach, cocoa, nuts, pepper, and tea, can help prevent calcium oxalate stones from returning [2].
8. Memory and Cognition Impairment. Among older adults whose diets are high in saturated fats and trans fats, a high intake of foods containing copper may cause a fast decline in their ability to think, learn, and remember, according to the study from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago [3]. The research studies have linked fat intake, especially that of saturated and trans fats, to Alzheimer's disease and other forms of cognitive difficulties.
9. Edema and Water Retention. Foods high in salt, sodium or sugar may cause the body to retain considerable fluids and worsen edema. The body needs a constant concentration of salt in its tissues. When excess salt is taken in, the body dilutes it by retaining fluid.
10. Migraine and Headache. Foods may trigger not only migraine but also tension type headache, which feels like tightening of a band around the head, making the whole head ache. Foods cause headaches by affecting the brain chemistry or changing the size of blood vessels. Certain foods cause headache in most vulnerable people because of their high content of the amino acids tyramine and phenyethyamine. The tyramine increases blood flow to the brain, which can lead to a headache. Common headache food triggers are aged cheese, beer, red wine, chocolate, nitrite-containing foods.
Written by Christine Simmons, contributing author for
Friday, July 3, 2009
26th week 530557 Rosli Daud
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Satay Station - (Bukan keretapi saja ada station, satay pun ada)
Kalau ada sesapa nak cuba makan satay yang kedainya dihias dengan ala-ala kampung style.....let's try this Satay Station at Jalan Kampung Pandan. First time tau pasal restoran ni melalui my brother. Padahal hampir setiap minggu lalu depan restoran ni....tak perasan pun.Very nice place!!! Ala-ala kampung style. Boleh makan dalam rumah yang dihias cara kampung....kena duduk bersila lah. Kalau nak makan kat luar pun boleh.... ada pelbagai bentuk kerusi meja. Tak ramai yang tahu tentang Satay Station ni sebab restoran ni baru aje dibuka sebelum puasa yang lepas. Restoran ini hanya jual Satay dan Mee Rebus. Harganya agak berpatutan...secucuk satay 60 sen....rasa pun sedap. Mee rebus pulak....sedapnya yang amat. Semangkuk mee rebus harganya RM6 dan ia boleh dimakan untuk 2 orang...big portion. Jangan tak tau.....anda juga boleh bermain piano yang diletakkan di tepi tangga rumah tersebut. Ni dia....boleh makan satay dalam umah ni...duduk bersila.....ada piano lagi kat tepi tangga alamat satay station Jalan Kg Pandan....kat tepi jalan besar on the way to Taman Nirwana...
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