Does anybody have experience with Avloclor antimalarial tablets. experience with side effects??is it strong tablets or just the ordinary one. It is recommended for punta cana resort and whole Dominican Republic. Should be taken weekly one week before, during stay and four weeks after leaving this resort.I am still not sure if take them or not. i am leaving in 4 days so please just advice. If anybody stayed in Ocean Sand and Golf Club past months and know how bad is it there with mosquitos just let me know. i prefer rather to use insect repelents with DEET and get a lot of B vitamins as it is known it keep mosquitos stayed away of you because they do not like that smell. cheers for any advices.thanks We used Avloclor tablets last year. We didn't suffer any side effects at all. The worst thing about them was the taste! Absolutely disgusting! My daughter who is 11 and neice 9 took them but didn't like the taste. My 5 year old neice refused point blank, we tried hiding them in food and alsorts of tricks but she wasn't having any of it. My sister gave up trying in the end.
We stayed in Playa Dorada (different area I know) and there were mosquitos everywhere. I never usually get bitten but last year I got eaten alive!
If I was you I would take them.
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